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NEX & Leica love: the Leica Noctilux 50mm f/1.0

Imagine how it would be to use a [shoplink 3874]$6,550.00 lens[/shoplink] on you NEX camera! Yes such an expensive lens does really exist and of course it is a Leica ;)

Darren Chan posted some image samples on flickr taken with the NEX-5 and the Noctilux. Some other image samples have been also posted on SonyAlphaNex. That’s almost all you can find on the web, not many user are going to buy that lens to use it on the Sony camera! Check out the [shoplink 3874]Noctilux auctions on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] to see how much that lens costs. If you need a very fast lens for your camera I suggest you to wait for our next post where we will show you “cheaper” alternatives!

P.S.: You can use Leica lenses only [shoplink 3491]via M-mount to E-mount adapter[/shoplink]

If you have want to share your NEX + third party lens images contact us at Thanks!

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