BIRTV 2012 – Sony NEX EA50 large sensor video camera from Dan Chung on Vimeo.
The exact opposite of a good deal is the price of that Cybershot on [shoplink 13460 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. Wondering if there is really some people buying this!
The German Digitalkamera (Translation here) posted the full 18-200mm and 50mm NEX lens reviews. Full test must be paid to be viewed.
Nikkor on NEX-7 at Matthewdurrphotography.
Gentled IR Trigger for the Sony NEX 5n reviewed at Cameradojo.
Full NEX-7 review at PDNonline.
ony FS700 Dynamic Range Presentation at ProVideocoalition.
Something else: Post-Processing Images with Lightroom 4 at Outbackphoto and Using other Raw Converters as Lightroom Pre-Processor at Outbackphoto.
30mm macro review at SonyAlphaLab.
NEX-F3 review at ePhotozine.
Camcorder Design “Where do they get their ideas from” (HdWarrior).
Third part of the Zacuto shootout.