New Sigma 35mm f/1.2, 14-24mm and 45mm f/2.8 announced!
Sigma FE lenses:
Sigma 35mm f/1.2 FE at Adorama, BHphoto, FocusCamera, Henrys. In EU at ParkUK, WexUK.
Sigma 14-24mm f/2.8 FE at Adorama, BHphoto, FocusCamera, Henrys. In EU at ParkUK, WexUK.
Sigma 45mm f/2.8 FE at Adorama, BHphoto, FocusCamera, Henrys. In EU at ParkUK, WexUK.
Press text:
35mm press text on SAR and product page on Sigma Global. Full size images samples on Wetransfer.
14-24mm press text on SAR and product page on Sigma Global.
45mm press text on SAR and product page on Sigma Global.
Press coverage:
Press text on Explora. 35mm first impressions by Yoshino Adachi. 14-24mm FE first impressions by Takumi Hayato. 45mm first impressions by Hiroshi Haraguchi.
First Real world images of the new Sigma FE lenses on the Sony A7rIII:
via Fujiacamera via Bicsyasin
35mm f/1.2 FE graphs:
14-24mm f/2.8 FE graphs:
45mm f/2.8 FE graphs:

Something cool:
Sigma also announced the world’s smallest Full Frame system camera! More info on MirrorlessRumors.