What you see here on top is the cover from the latest book of Sony Artisan Vivienne Gucwa. You can buy the book at Amazon US (Click here). Almost all images have been taken with the Sony A99. To learn more about the person and her work click over at Brian Smith’s interview with Vivienne. About the camera she uses:
The majority of images in the book were taken with the Sony A99 which was the camera I used for a large portion of my photography once I went full-time as a photographer. I recently switched to mirrorless cameras this year which has been nice for my back and arms in terms of the weight of the gear. It’s also been great in terms of shooting photography with a higher level of image quality than before. Many of my clients request large scale prints of my work. Being able to shoot with the A7R which is a 36 MP camera that produces images with a striking amount of detail has made me very happy and has made my clients extremely happy as well.
Her story has also been featured on TheGuardian (plenty of pictures can be seen there). And that’s her thumblr page with the list of gear she uses.
Thanks Vivienne and Brian for sharing this story!