New Batis lenses now shipping in Hong Kong! And new full size image samples.
Image courtesy: DSLRmagazine
The very first batch of the new Batis FE lenses shipped yesterday in Hong Kong! You can see first user image samples from Samlee at SonyAlphaForum (Click here). He writes:
I got the Zeiss Batis 85mm F1.8 Yesterday at Hong Kong. The price around 0.9 x1199 USD with Free B+W filter. Light, Very Very Fast AF, Sharp Sharp Sharp, nice Broken
Also the spanish site DSLRmagazine (google transltion) posted the Batis hands-on review:
This new Zeiss Batis series meets all expectations. The Batis optics are specially designed for those who want to exploit every ounce of your sensor without sacrificing good design and a completely intuitive.
Zeiss Batis store links:
Zeiss Batis 85mm f/1.8 lens in US at Adorama, Bhphoto. In Eu at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.
Zeiss Batis 25mm f/2.0 lens at Adorama, Bhphoto. In EU at Amazon DE, WexUK. In Asia at Digitalrev.