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New A3000, Zeiss Sony E PZ lens tests and image samples.


The product presentation video by SGNL

It is not usual to see so few image samples and test at a product launch. Luckily some small tests can be seen in Asia: The (Chinese?) site PCpop (google translation here) posted the first A3000 ISO test.  Sony Japan posted some image samples with the Zeiss lens (Click here to see) and the PZ lens (Click here to see). If you can find more tests and image samples drop me a message at Thanks!

Preorders in USA/Canada (Click on the store name to open the product page):
Full new NEX camera/lens presenatation page at Amazon (Click here).
$398 A3000 with lens at Amazon, SonyStore, BHphoto, Adorama and Sony Canada.
$548 NEX-5T body at Amazon, SonyStore, BHphoto and Adorama.
$698 NEX-5T +16-50mm at Amazon, SonyStore, BHphoto, Adorama and Sony Canada.
$998 Zeiss 16-70mm f/4.0 at Amazon, SonyStore, BHphoto, Adorama and Sony Canada.
$598 Sony E PZ 18-105G at Amazon, SonyStore, BHphoto and Adorama.
$298 Black 50mm lens at Amazon, BHphoto and Adorama.
Soft Case at Amazon and BHphoto.

Preorders in Europe:.
ILC-3000 at Sony DE, Sony UK, Sony ES, Sony SE, Sony AT, Sony IT, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony FI, Sony CH.
NEX-5T + 16-50mm at Sony DE, Sony UK, Sony ES, Sony SE, Sony AT, Sony IT, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony FI, Sony CH.
NEX-5T double lens kit at Sony DE, Sony UK, Sony ES, Sony SE, Sony AT, Sony IT, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony FI, Sony CH.
Zeiss 16-70mm f/4.0 at Sony DE, Sony UK, Sony ES, Sony SE, Sony AT, Sony IT, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony FI, Sony CH.
Sony E PZ 18-105G at Sony DE, Sony UK, Sony ES, Sony SE, Sony AT, Sony IT, Sony NL, Sony BE, Sony FI, Sony CH.


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