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Most voted SAR readers pictures of the week!


Sony A7 @ 1/100, f5.6, ISO 400 FE 24-70 @ 70mm, Stefan Grosjean

Here is a selection of some of the most liked SAR readers pictures of the week at
As usual feel free to share and vote pictures. It’s also a good place where to meet photographers and share experiences and techniques!

Morning fog, ILCE-7r by Killabee Khairul Fadhli

Selfoss, Iceland by Gift A. Tansawet

Lake Wanaka, New Zealand, A7r + Voigtlander 21 f/1.8 by Casey Colomb


Lightning over North York, Sony A55 ISO 100, 5sec, F5.6 by Jesse Hodson

Itsukushima Shine, Miyajima, Japan. Sony a77 16-50mm, 24mm panorama, ISO100 f/6.7 1/200 by Mitchell Phelps (

Gale force winds. Sony NEX-6, EPZ16-50mm, ISO100@0,8 sec, f/14. Black and white conversion done with Silver Efex Pro 2 in Lightroom 5.3 by Trond Kristiansen


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