A couple of last minute A7IV leaks ahead of the announcement tomorrow (October 21):
1) Exposure compensation dial now reprogrammable
2) The record button is on the front of the compensation dial
3) Separate dial for video still and S&Q mode
4) One of the slots takes SD cards only and the other one takes CFexpress Type A and SD cards.
UPDATE: Announced!
Sony A7IV preorders (Use those affiliated links to support my work. Thanks!):
In the USA at BHphoto. Amazon. Adorama. FocusCamera.
In Europe at Fotokoch DE. Calumet DE. Foto Erhardt DE. Park UK. Wex UK. Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon IT. Amazon ES. Amazon NL.
Sony HVL-F46RM Wireless Radio Flash at BHphoto. Adorama.
Sony HVL-F60RM II Wireless Radio Flash at BHphoto. Adorama.
Also: A website shortly posted the Sony A7IV price of $2,599. But I don’t know if this was a place holder price or the real one.