Massive price drop in US: Sony 16mm pancake for $149! And NEX-7 discount too…
[shoplink 13807 ebay][/shoplink]
As I told you a couple of days ago Sony UK marked the 16mm pancake NEX lens as “previous model”. And now you can have the lens with an impressive $100 price drop on [shoplink 13807 ebay]Big Value on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. But I have to admit that I haven’t heard of any possible new version of the lens. Doesn’t mean that it is not coming…
More deals: There is also a $100 discount on the NEX-7 at [shoplink 13808 ebay]Arphoto[/shoplink] and a $50 discount on Amazon. And don’t forget that twelve Zeiss for NEX are finally in Stock for the normal price via Samys on Amazon (Click here).