Kipon EOS to NEX adapter with built in aperture control.
[shoplink 5561]

I can imagine that some of our readers do own Canon lenses they would love to use on their NEX cameras. Until today you had no way to control the aperture of the Canon lenses using the currently available adapters. Kipon now provides a solution for your problem. they made an [shoplink 5561]EOS to NEX adapter[/shoplink] with built-in aperture control! You can find a review including image samples at the japanese website (Click here). They tested the 50mm f/1.4 USM and 24-70mm f/2.8 Canon lenses.
If you have “Canon-friends” you might mention them the adapter to help them to buy a into the NEX system ;)
Check out current Kipon adapter auctions at [shoplink 5559]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].