Sony Japan (Click here) posted the full English translation of the interview made with the Sony NEX-7 designers. I didn’t know that “All we had decided initially was that three dials would be used….It was essentially our only beacon in design“. Would love to know who had the idea…quite a genius that guy ;)
Meanwhile the first “european” NEX-7 is on auction on [shoplink 10814 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. Fotomundus had five in Stock, but they are now sold out (one is mine…LOL). USA readers are far more lucky. There are now eleven(!) NEX-7 bodies for auction on [shoplink 10813 ebay]eBay (Click here to see them all)[/shoplink]. This means the price will finally go down.
Photographybanzai (Click here) wrote a first NEX-7 impression review.
The Tamron lenses are now in Stock at Adorama (Click on the links to see the product page):
Tamron 18mm-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR DI-III VC (B011) AF Zoom Lens with Macro, for the Sony NEX eMount – Silver
Tamron 18mm-200mm f/3.5-6.3 XR DI-III VC (B011) AF Zoom Lens with Macro, for the Sony NEX eMount – Black