On the picture above you see the Canon 120 Megapixel FF prototype. Rumor has it the camera will be on market early 2018 only. And there are two main reasons why that camera is interesting for the Sony folks:
1) It will be interesting to see how Sony will react to this. If Canon will release that camera in one year from now Sony will have to answer with a special High Res E-mount camera too.
2) David Candlish pointed out the new kind of issues photographers will have to deal when using such crazy high megapixel numbers. He writes:
- Doing the maths for the new 120 megapixel camera means the maximum aperture usable before diffaction is somewhere between f/4.5-f/5
- The 5DS/5DSR also highlighted that some of Canon’s older or lower-quality lenses were unable to make full use of the improved resolution – quite a number in fact, only ~40% of Canon’s lineup were recommended. With the resolution bar set almost three times higher it will be interesting to see how the percentrage number of recommended lenses which can leverage the full capability of the sensor changes.
- Image size is going to be fun to see too. Already the full resolution RAW files from the 5DS/R and A7RII cause noticeable lag when loading & processing in Lightroom, even in top-end machines, so tripling the amount of data will magnify that issue. Storage space is a consideration too, even though cards & drives are getting cheaper & larger all the time.
P.s.: Full Canon NYC show coverage info at CanonWatch.