Garrard: Sony A77 has too many Megapixels!
Carl Garrarard from Alphamountworld (Click here) posted his final word about the Sony A77. The real problem he has with the new 24 megapixel sensor is that “while there is no doubt that specification will please some photographers greatly, I feel the vast majority would have been happier with 14-18mp where the A77 could have performed better as an overall-do it all kind of camera. I simply think the megapixel race has ended, and there’s only so much resolution one needs on an APS-C DSLR that is practical to use day in and day out for multiple photographic tasks.”
Carl (like me) would have been happy with less Megapixels or with a new pixel binning function that would have added an option to shot with less Megapixels and higher ISO performance when needed.
And than there is that Sony JPEG engine which has to be improved: “First of all I feel way too much noise reduction is being done on the Jpegs at ALL ISO values, which robs detail in every 24mp file you save. Then why have 24 megapixels you ask? Good question. ”
But a part of that the A77 proves to be an excellent camera if you shoot RAW and low ISO: “If you are going to shoot Raw only and don’t mind shooting at ISO 1,600 and under (or just normally don’t) then the A77 is a fine photographic instrument able to reach resolution levels no other APS-C DSLR or DSLT has been able to reach yet. For gigantic color rich prints with lots of dynamic range, the A77 is a fantastic tool“.
Editor’s note: I fully agree with Carl. I can recommend this camera to anyone shooting RAW and low ISO images (like landscapes). And of course if you shoot video than the A77 is almost a must have camera!
And here is the A77 full link list to check where it is in Stock: [shopcountry 8461].