Fuji says they are testing a (Sony?) medium format sensor
[shoplink 44043 ebay][/shoplink]
Image above shows the [shoplink 44043 ebay]Fuji 6X9 film camera[/shoplink].
Sony is conquering all the medium format sensor market with their CMOS sensors. First the 50MP senor got used by all Medium Format makers. And now they launched the world’s highest resolution 101MP CMOS sensor for Phase One.
And now here comes the news:
It’s known that Fuji designs the X-trans sensor but Sony is actually making those. Well yesterday Fuji officially stated that they are testing the a new medium format sensor (easy to guess it’s made by Sony). Fuji is investigating the possibility to launch a medium format system camera. And also Sony is rumored to testing such models (probably RX fixed lens format).
Now here comes my dream part:
We know Sony is reading us. So I figured that for once we will take the chance to let SAR readers express their opinion on unlikely but still exciting dream idea: What would you think if Fuji and Sony would launch a new medium format mirrorless system together? It would create diversity within the system, make it growth fast and probably also keep costs reasonable. Let us know: