Tamron 18-200mm
As you know Tamron released the first lens for the NEX system and Mike Kobal (Click here) tested the 18-200mm lens. Not that such a lens was really neede as we already have the Sony 18-200mm lens :(
Anyway, Mike also had that Sony lens but the Tamron is “a little smaller, lighter and has two additional lens elements. The built quality of both lenses is excellent“. Soem more image samples have been posted here on Flickr (Click here).
30mm macro
And the 30mm macro lens for NEX has been reviewed at SLRgear (Click here): “With good results for sharpness, corner shading and distortion, the only hesitation might be higher-than-desired results for chromatic aberration, but even that is treatable with post-processing.“.
SonyAlphaLab (Click here) tested the lens on the NEX-7:”The contrast and color are also decent from what I’ve taken so far. The lens Bokeh is not the prettiest I’ve seen, but it is nice and smooth which is still very pleasing to the eye. Based on these initial test shots only, I would have to highly recommend this lens.”
Click those links to check if the lens is in Stock: [shopcountry 10041].