First QX review (and first QX in Stock on eBay US!)
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According to Amazon US (Click here) the QX cameras will ship in exactly seven days. But there is already a very first QX LensCamera now in Stock on [shoplink 21249 ebay]eBay US (only one left)[/shoplink]. The question is…does the LensCamera idea really work? posted the first full QX10 review. And there is a surprising conclusion. They write the QX10 is “a dumb camera for your smart phone”
The QX10’s image quality is better than your smartphone’s, yes, but not by much. The biggest gain is in terms of optical zoom, but the camera’s awkward handling makes actually utilizing that 10x telephoto a challenge. And while the QX10’s pairing behavior and user interface are better (or at least less convoluted) than any other WiFi implementation we’ve seen, shooting with the app still felt arbitrarily limiting—almost like a chore.
A bit disappointing! But I think most of the issues (interface and limited APP) can be improved via firmware.
P.S: Sony Cyber-shot DSC-QX10 Sample Images (Photographyblog). Unboxing pics at SonyBlog.
Here are all direct links to preorders in USA/Canada:
QX100: Amazon (Click here), SonyUS (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here), SonyCA (Click here).
Soft Carrying Case for DSC-QX100 at Amazon (Click here).
Black QX10: Amazon (Click here), SonyUS (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here), SonyCA (Click here).
White QX10: Amazon (Click here), SonyUS (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here).
Soft Carrying Case for DSC-QX10 Amazon (Click here).
Xperia Z case with QX mount on Amazon (Click here).
Here are all direct links to preorders in Europe:
Black QX100 at SonyDE, (via DealsRunner), Amazon France (via DL), SonyUK, SonyES, SonyIT, SonyNL, SonyBE, SonyAT, SonyCH, SonySE, SonyFI, SonyNo.
Black QX10 at SonyDE, (via DealsRunner), Amazon France (via DL), SonyUK, SonyES, SonyIT, SonyNL, SonyBE, SonyAT, SonyCH, SonySE, SonyFI, SonyNo.
White QX10 at SonyDE, (via DealsRunner), Amazon France (via DL), SonyUK, SonyES, SonyIT, SonyNL, SonyBE, SonyAT, SonyCH, SonySE, SonyFI, SonyNo.
Xperia Z1 at SonyDE, SonyUK, SonyES, SonyIT, SonyNL, SonyBE, SonyAT, SonyCH, SonySE, SonyFI, SonyNo.