FS700 480 FPS Test from Andy Shipsides on Vimeo.
If you were wondering what kind of lenses to use on the super new NEX-FS700 E-mount camcorder than I have good news for you! Carl Zeiss just announced two new CP.2 15mm T/2.9 and CP.2 135mm T/2.1. They will be available in late 2012 for $5,700 or €4,200 (VAT excluded!). What makes the CP.2 lenses so expensive is that they are perfectly color-matched to allow consistency in footage. On [shoplink 12143 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] you can find many CP.2 lenses and there is no one that you can get for a low price!
Meantime we can finally watch some nice video made with the FS700. On top of this post you can see the 480 fps test video by Andy Shipsides and below you can find an official introduction from Sony! Looks great or not?
Sony Professional: Introducing the Sony NEX-FS700 from Sony Professional on Vimeo.