Eyelead sck-1b sensor cleaning gel kit for Sony is on sale in Europe!
[shoplink 49362 ebay][/shoplink]
To clean the sensor like a PRO you can now buy the Eyelead sensor gel cleaning kit on [shoplink 22691 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] and Amazon.de, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.fr, Amazon.it. Watch the video below to see how it works.
A word of warning: US readers will find the “Eyelead sck-1” on sale at Amazon US (Click here). But be aware that this is the non Sony-version which you can recognize from the Blue gel color. You need to get the “Eyelead sck-1b” version with the red gel otherwise you risk to damage the filter on the sensor. I have yet not found the red gel Sony version on sale in any US store :(