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Dpreview Interview with Kimio Maki from Sony (explains difference between E and A-mount


Kimio Maki is Senior General Manager at Sony’s Digital Imaging and also considered the “father” of the RX and A7-A7r series. Dpreview (Click here) posted a long Interview with him and here are some interesting key info:

– The QX series has been designed for the younger generation: “The younger customers demand better pictures to get more positive feedback from their peers – more ‘likes’ on Facebook.
– On the other hand, the kind of customer I had in mind for the RX100 and RX1 products was someone who wants to be able to carry the best image quality possible in their pocket or bag.
– The RX10 is different – that’s the camera I wanted for events, like sport, when my children are playing soccer and basketball.
– He explains the difference between E and A-mount: “We can make E mount cameras and lenses smaller than A-mount. But for A mount we can realize superior image quality with better new technologies“.
– Also interesting is the answer he gave about why no other company created something like the RX or A7 series: “Our company philosophy of creating new products, of course, plus a fighting spirit. We are a challenger. We are not kings in this industry. In professional broadcasting we’re one of the biggest companies, but in the still imaging industry we’re still challengers, so we have the freedom to experiment.
– He is sure Full Frame will become cheaper: “Sony is the number one manufacturer of imaging sensors, and if we can sell a lot of them, the price will come down!

It’s a very interesting interview and Mr. Kimio Mati really appears like a very curious and innovative man. I can’t wait to see what his next creation will be!

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