Cinema5D makes it clear why the EOS-R5/6 are not made for professional video shooting
Before to move on with the post let me make an anti-troll statement:
The Canon EOS-R5 and R6 are great cameras with tremendous IBIS performance and nice 8K add-on (on the EOS-R5). Chapeau to Canon!
Now to the story:
What you see on the image above is the new Canon EOS-R6 covered with a bag of Ice cubes in a (failed!) attempt to cool down the camera. Cinemad5D made the first independent attempt to shoot a professional movie with the R6 and writes:
Recording time imitations is one thing but overheating shutdown in unexpected points of the filming day is truly an obstacle. Furthermore, the recovery time is long (or at least seems to be long when you are under pressure to resume filming as your talents are all waiting). As my frustration grew, I tried it all. Ice bag on the camera, strong fan pointing directly to the sensor glass (yes, at some point I did not care anymore about exposing the sensor to the strong wind as long as I can resume filming)… I also tried looking up at the sky and mumble a few words (if it doesn’t help, it won’t hurt for sure I thought). I even made promises to be a nicer person and a good friend. All for the sake of seeing the camera working again, BUT, no evil. The weather-sealed camera body did a “great job” by doing what it supposed to do, and not let anything enter it. Not even the fresh fan air…
Frustrated as hell, I had to apologize to Mari Fujii-san and Neal. Some of the best images I was supposed to capture that day were missed. Other actions had to be repeated and if it was not enough, at some point I had the “genius idea” of lowering the resolution to Full HD and continue shooting, just not to waste their time. This method worked to some extent, but not all the time. Some of the kitchen images you see in this video were upscaled from full HD to 4K in order to match the rest of the footage.
Bottom line, the Canon EOS R6 controlled my filming day instead of me controlling it in order to tell a visual story.
This is just to say that the EOS-R5/6 and the Sony A7sIII are two different kind of tools. The Canon’s are probably better suited for stills photography than video and they compete against the A7RIV and A7III. For professional video work the Sony A7sIII is definitely the way to go.
Here is Cinema5D video report: