(SR4) UPDATED -> Two new Sony Alpha camera on early April

UPDATE: Now I have two trusted sources confirming that at least one new Alpha will be introduced. Both do say it will be an APS-C camera. Anyway I downgraded the rumor value from SR5 to SR4 because e are not 100% that Sony will launch two Alphas (instead of one).

So finally we have some more reliable rumors for you! SonyAlphaRumors learned that Sony is going to announce two new entry level cameras at the NAB show in Las Vegas. The show starts on April 10th.

One camera should be the A2xx and the other one a A3xx (Don’t know the exact name yet)

I know it is not exactly what we were all waiting for :(

So…is the A7xx coming or not?

I am receiving many rumors in these days but I admit that they sometimes are very contradictory. My trusted sources only told me that there will be new Alphas, but they didn’t tell me what kind of Alphas we should expect :(
I am not talking about the mirrorless cameras. They are coming in May (I am certain of that). I am talking about the new generation of Alphas with HD video and EXMOR sensor.
As you know SonyAlphaRumors is a relative new website and I will need some time to understand which one of the new sources is telling me the truth.
The rumors I receive from the unkown sources do suggest three different scenarios:

1) New A7xx in May.
Honestly this doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because if Sony wants the promote the camera for the Soccer WorldCup, May will be too late!
2) New Alphas in May but not the A7xx.
This scenario is more likely to happen. One of my trusted sources also thinks that the A7xx will not be announced yet!
3) Sony pellix camera (The very High-End APS-C).
Since November we know Sony is working on it and recently we found the Sony patent which prooved that our “rumors” were correct. The Sony pellix camera is rumored to be a High-FPS shooter and has phase detection autofocus during video recording. That would be a perfect camera to promote for the upcoming WorldCup event!

If you have rumors and news contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com.
I also need your help to improve the website so feel free to send me your suggestions.
Thanks again for your help!

I really hope to give you some good news soon. May is not far away!

P.S.: My English is very poor and I need to improve it :)

(SR3) New Sony A7xx specs

Few days ago I received following few specs from a new source. I had the chance to talk with one of my trusted sources and he confirmed the specs but not the release date!

This is the text I received:
I am a professional photographer using Canon + Nikon equipment but I got this info about Sony Alpha 700 replacement Replacement is coming in late May most likely and it will be in the same arena with Canon’s 50D upgrade and Nikon’s D90 upgrades. New Alpha will be very user friendly with controls and preset dials (sports, portrait, landscape shootings, etc.). I don’t know the exact model name/number, all I know it will replace A700. It will be around 15-16 MP with iso up to 12800. New Alpha will have 30fps 1080p avchd video recording.

Thanks to the anonymous sender :)

(SR3) New Alphas to be announced in May

We just received an info from a source we know since months. He told me that “he heard” that Sony will announce at least two new Alpha models in May. And when he says “he heard” “from someone” he certainly didn’t get the info from the mediamarkt guys :)

So May will be definitely an interesting month. Following stuff should be announced:
– two mirrorless cameras
– firmware upgrade for A850 and A900
– at least two new Alpha cameras
– The 500mm and 24mm lens

I got some more details but I will try to double check them before to post them here. If you know something more feel free to contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com. Or use the form on the right sidebar. You don’t need to give me your name or email address :)

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=fake rumor (1% chance the rumor will become real)
SR2=rumor from unknown and unreliable source (10-20% chance the rumor will become real)
SR3=a rumor unknown source or sources which sounds realistic (20-50% chance the rumor will become real)
SR4=rumor from our trusted sources (50-70% chance the rumor will become real)
SR5=rumor from many of external and internal sources (70-90% chance the rumor will become real)

Many rumors from untrusted sources…

In this days I am receiving many rumors from non trusted sources. I rarely post them because I don’t want to spam the website with tons of false rumors. I keep the new sources in mind and will post the rumors when I will get some more infos from trusted sources.

Anyway the only fact that I receive so many messages may proove that something is going to happen soon!

From trusted sources (which have been correct in the past) I know that mirrorless cameras and the A850 and A900 firmware will come in May. At the same time we also “suspect” Sony could release a new Alpha camera and the new 500mm and 24mm lenses. So May will be definitely an interesting month!

Send me your rumors! More I get more easy it will be to post good rumors :)


P.S.: An example of unreliable rumor is that one:

name: A790
before summer.

I would be happy if that one would not be a fake :)

(SR2) A1000, 7xx, 6xx and a 4xx model ?

This is the kind of rumor which in most cases are wrong. A dpreview forum user posted following text:

Today I was at Mediamarkt (an European chain of stores) and checking the prices of a the Canon 550D and 580EX flash. I asked for some advice from a sales person, and he urged me not to buy the 550D and to wait a little bit longer. According to him Sony will introduce 4 new camera’s arround april/may. The A1000, in the 2999 euro price range, aimed at the professionals, a A7xx , a A6xx, and a A4xx model.

According to him the Sony A6xx will have better specs than the Canon 550D.

Sounds exciting, let’s hope he isn’t pulling my leg

Let’s see if I can get some more infos about that rumor. If you jnow something feel free to send me an email at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the contact form on the right sidebar (you can also keep yourself anonymous)

P.S.: What I heard from our sources that there will be new cameras in MAY. the mirrorless cameras and at leat one more Alpha camera.

Some details about the Sony mirrorless camera….

Xatakafoto.com (spanish) has taken a screenshot from the new Sony mirrorless teaser. Analyzing the screen you learn following about the camera:

Integrated Flash in auto
AF-S mode
Filters?: “FH Movie”
Face recognition
Object tracking (focusing)
Some kind of image stabilization (or lens IS indicator)
Easy modes (Olympus Pen LiveGuide-like): Background Defocus
Shooting tips (like Olympus E-PL1)
Easy menus (icons, feature guided)

[Thanks Tony]