Yes I know, since the Sony NEX camera announcement we didn’t post a lot of Alpha camera news and rumors. But this is about to change! Many of our readers complained Sony because they were lacking behind Canon in the DSLR segment. Good High-ISO performance, video recording are two of the most requested new features for future Sony Alpha cameras. Today SonyAlphaRumors can bring you the good news that Sony will soon unveil the second revolution (after the NEX announcement it’s time for the DSLR cameras!)
There will be a very important press release by end of August (should be between 23 and 31 of August…we don’t know the exact data yet).
1) Sony will introduce the two “translucent” cameras, the A55 (16MPX) and A33 (14MPX) -> (ultra fast autofocus during videorecording, very fast fps)
2) Sony will introduce two new Sony A5xx cameras with ExmorHD sensor. The higher-level camera will also be able to take 3D pictures (and it comes with GPS)
3) Many new lenses. Many current kit-lenses will be updated. The new Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 and Sony 500mm beast will finally come to market.
4) New NEX accessories are expected to be announced (electronic viewfinder???)
More about that cameras and lenses will be published on SonyAlphaRumros during the next days and weeks…so keep following us! (on Facebook or/and Twitter or/and RSS feed
For those of you waiting for the A7xx, A850/A900 firmware upgrade and new Fullframe cameras. Sony seems to feel your pressure and they are working to release them sooner than expected. But I don’t believe you will see the A7xx or new Fullframe camera at Photokina. The firmware upgrade is another story, I hope they will manage it to solve the programming issue which is the cause of the delay.
I know guys, Sony is sometimes very slow in releasing good products but I do believe that all those cameras will bring real and big tecnology improvements!
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