(SR5) First Sony A55 and A33 pictures!

We asked our sources and they confirmed that the pictures are real! Those are the [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink] and [shoplink 3620]Sony A33[/shoplink] translucent cameras. We hope to receive more pictures soon…

And the [shoplink 3620]Sony A33[/shoplink]:

via DChome

(SR4) Detailled Sony A55v specs!

For days we received infos about the Sony A55 camera. Those are the rumored Sony A55 specs:
16.7 megapixel APS CMOS
15 points AF system
Center ***triple cross*** sensor
***Double cross*** sensor x2 at left/right
12 normal sensor(F5.6)
FullHD 1080 60i
Translucent mirror inside, can reflex light during power on
Translucent mirror can be open to clean the sensor
EVF super-clear, specific unknown pixel, image quality is only worse than the A900 only
10FPS continous shooting with AF
AFC just like Nikon’s 3D tracking system – fast and reliable
SONY claims that would be better than 50D’s AF
SUPER FAST AF speed at center point
ISO100-25600, ISO6400’s noise just like a900’s ISO400
Support NEX’s hand-held night shot(Multi-shot)
Support a700’s Quick Navi access mode
Support DOF, however EVF becomes dim during small aperture
Use NEX3/5 battery
a55 priced at about 900-1000USD

THose specs were also posted on DChome!

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For our sources: Use the right contact form (Click on “SHARE” to anonymously send us rumors and images). It doesn’t store you IP-address and you can avoid to give me your name and email. Try to use some kind of fake name so that I can recognize you in future. You can also contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com

Photorumors confirms the A55, A33, A560 and A580 camera specs

Photorumors also got confirmation about the camera specs we posted a while ago (+ some new specs). We also know that the A55 will be officially called A55 and the A580 will be called A580v. That because they have built-in GPS!

Sony α33:

* 14MP sensor
* ISO range of 100-12800
* 1080i video
* 15 AF points, some of them cross-point
* 7 fps
* dual memory slots (not sure what type)

Sony α55:

* 16MP sensor
* ISO range of 100-12800
* 1080i video
* 15 AF points, some of them cross-point
* 10 fps
* dual memory slots (not sure what type)
* built-in GPS

Sony α560:

* 14MP sensor
* ISO range of 100-12800
* 1080i video
* 15 AF points, some of them cross-point
* 7 fps
* dual memory slots (not sure what type)
* swivel display

Sony α580:

* 16MP sensor
* ISO range of 100-12800
* 1080i video
* 15 AF points, some of them cross-point
* 10 fps
* dual memory slots (not sure what type)
* built-in GPS
* swivel display

(SR5) UPDATeD: Sony press release teaser!!!

And now it is official! Sony will announce the new DSLR on August 24! They also say that those are “never-before-seen Sony SLR’s”!!! And since November 2009 SonyAlphaRumors is telling you that those are the new translucent cameras. The semi transparent pellicle allows to have Phase detection during video recording. You can alos move up the transparent mirror (if you don’t want to have the little light loss when using the mirror). Very fast 10fps (frames per second).

UPDATE: We now know the original source of the teaser leak: http://www.electronista.com/articles/10/08/12/sony.to.have.new.alphas.in.two.weeks/

For our readers:Be sure to not miss any news and rumors, connect on Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed! We have currently 759 friends on facebook…let’s get close to the 1.000…invite your Alpha friends! ;)
If you want to support us read here: http://www.sonyalpharumors.com/how-to-support-sonyalpharumors/

For our sources: Use the right contact form (Click on “SHARE” to anonymously send us rumors and images). It doesn’t store you IP-address and you can avoid to give me your name and email. Try to use some kind of fake name so that I can recognize you in future. You can also contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR4) Sony training with new DSLR on August 31?

Prime time crew has intercepted an email from a local camera shop regarding training on three new digital slr’s. At least one of these is a pellicle mirror camera. Numerous people within the company have seen and handled it. The training starts on Tuesday August 31. The email also says that the new cameras will be introduced on August 22nd (but we from SonyAlphaRumors do not know if that is a public event or just a private introduction for dealers).

Thanks Primetimecrew!

(SR3) New E-mount Zeiss lenses for E-mount to be shown at Photokina in September?

According to two new sources (so not a certain rumor!) Sony will show new Zeiss lenses for E-mount at Photokina in September. The sources couldn’t tell me if Sony will only show or also release the lenses. The design of the lenses will be based on current ZM lenses. [shoplink 3255]Click here to check out all current ZM lenses availability and prices on eBay[/shoplink].

Please keep in mind that the rumor is not from our known sources. We are trying to get some reliable infos from them. But we from SonyAlphaRumors are 100% sure that Zeiss will make lenses for the NEX-system. The question is only when they will make it and what lens will come. If you know something about the future ZEISS lenses feel free to contact us using the form on the right! Thanks!

Let us know what lens you are going to buy (you can also select them all if you have the $$$):

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!