Via mirrorlessrumors we learned that Klaus Schroff from Photozone maybe just made a “mistake” and unintentionally revealed that five new Sony NEX lenses will be announced in the next future! As you know he already reviewed the three known NEX lenses (The [shoplink 2998]16mm[/shoplink], the [shoplink 2996]18-55mm[/shoplink] and the [shoplink 3060]18-200mm[/shoplink] lens).
Inside a dpreview forum post he revealed that: “There’ll be 5 more NEX tests in the near future so we’ll have a better guidance about the quality of these Sony lenses …
UPDATE: Probably he is testing third party lenses on NEX cameras (using adpaters)?
One more news:
According to Martin Klottig, Marketing Manager of the Camera Lens Division at Carl Zeiss AG they “will present new lenses and, for the first time, accessories at photokina. You’ll have to be a bit more patient to find out exactly what we have in store.”
Just a reminder. Few days ago we posted a rumor we received from 2 new sources (also NOT from out trusted sources). According to them Sony will show new Zeiss lenses for E-mount at Photokina in September. The sources couldn’t tell me if Sony will only show or also release the lenses. The design of the lenses will be based on current ZM lenses. [shoplink 3255]Click here to check out all current ZM lenses availability and prices on eBay[/shoplink].
We from SonyAlphaRumors are 100% sure that Zeiss will make lenses for the NEX-system but we don’t know yet if they will show them at Photokina. If you know something about the future ZEISS lenses feel free to contact us using the form on the right! Thanks!
Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!