Will Nikon go translucent too?

The japanese blog Egami found a new Nikon translucent mirror patent. The Patent No. 2011-28177 has been released on 2011/02/10 and the filing date is 2009/07/29. But there are a few crucial differences between the [shoplink 3617]Sony A33/55[/shoplink] solution and the Nikon patent. Egami highlighted them (attention, google translated text):

The mirror lockup is one of the most requested features on SonyAlphaRumors. See the poll results:

Should Sony make a high end APS-C E-mount camera?

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The A77 is rumored to NOT have this feature. But I hope Sony will take it into consideration for the A99 fullframe translucent…

(SR5) New NEX camera to be announced in April!!! (SR2) Is it the NEX-C3?

[shoplink 3000][/shoplink]Pictured above: The [shoplink 3000]Sony NEX-3[/shoplink]. It could be replaced soon?

And here we are with a new rumor from our top sources! According to them Sony will announce a new NEX camera in April. The camera will be a compact model like the current [shoplink 3003]NEX-3/5[/shoplink] but with more advanced controls and improved usability. The trusted sources didn’t share any details about the camera but we have a new source that claims to know the name. And because the source is new that part of the rumor is SR2 only. According to him the camera will be named “NEX-C3“. It is the [shoplink 3000]NEX-3[/shoplink] successor and the [shoplink 3003]NEX-5[/shoplink] replacement (the NEX-C5) will follow in September.

In US the NEX-3 just got a new instant rebates (Check yourself at Amazon (Click here) and Bhphoto (Click here).). This could be related to the NEX-3 successor rumor…

NEX-3 direct shop links at [shopcountry 3000]
NEX-5 direct shop links at [shopcountry 3003]

P.S.: What about the NEX-7? That camera could be announced along the Sony A77 in mid-summer! We are going to live a very exciting rumors and news time. Invite your friends to follow us! And join us at Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR2) First foveonlike camera by early 2012?

There is no doubt Sony is working on a “foveon-like” sensor. Every week we find new patents explaining the technology (Click here to read one patent example). The question now is: when are we going to see the first foveon camera from Sony? We just got an info from a new SonyAlphaRumors source. As usual take rumors from new sources with a grain of salt. That’s why the rumor has the value “SR2” (read the rumor classification explanation at the bottom of the post).

According to the new source there will be a new A770 announced in early 2012 (this is not the translucent A77!). It will use the same 15.2 mp Sigma SD1 foveon sensor. The test shows that it’s 24 mp to 25 mp equivalent (instead of 30 mp or 46 mp) to a conventional bayer sensor.

One more thing, the A770 does not have video recording feature.

List of useful links about the Sigma foveon sensor:
Sigma SD1 product page at BHphoto.
Sigma and Foveon discuss the forthcoming SD1 (Dpreview)
Carl Rytterfalk about the SD1
First SD1 image samples at shinzlogclips
A very interesting new interview at DSLRmagazine.
List of Sigma Foveon cameras at Amazon.

Stay tuned on SonyAlphaRumors because the next few months we will see many new REAL products from Sony. That includes Alpha and E-mount lenses but also new NEX and Alpha cameras. Don’t miss any rumors. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR4) UPDATED -> Zeiss 24mm f/1.7 for NEX (SR5) New e-mount lenses within the next 2-3 months!

UPDATE: We made a small mistake and the sources did correct the rumor. The lens is f/1.7 and not f/2.0! that’s even better ;)

Message to one of our sources “A.” -> Thanks for your help. If possible contact me using a fake gmail account. So that I can send you rumors. Bye!

According to two of my best sources the upcoming 24mm Zeiss lens for NEX should have an aperture of f/1.7 (faster the current [shoplink 3037]24mm f/2.0 for Alpha mount[/shoplink]). But the very good news (SR5!) is that new E-mount lenses from Sony and also from third party lens makers will be announced within the next 2-3months. I mean those are the REAL lenses and not prototypes…finally! I will write more about that soon!

Direct link to the Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 (Alpha mount): [shopcountry 3037].
And those are the current available NEX lenses:
– Sony 16mm f/2.8 [shopcountry 2998]
– Sony 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 [shopcountry 2996]
– Sony 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3 [shopcountry 3060]

Stay tuned on SonyAlphaRumors because the next few months we will see many new REAL products from Sony. That includes Alpha and E-mount lenses but also new NEX and Alpha cameras. Don’t miss any rumors. Join us on Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unkown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR5) Zeiss Cp lenses for E-mount coming.

[shoplink 5419][/shoplink]

After today’s Sony announcement there are many rumors floating around the web about the upcoming lenses. A very reliable rumor says that Zeiss will make the CP lenses available for Sony E-mount too! The Zeiss CP lenses are compact primes with manual focusing. They are very expensive and meant for the use on the future professional NEX videocameras. The price is crazy high: you can get them for $3900 at Bhphoto or on [shopcountry 5419]! Not exactly a lens you will buy for your [shoplink 3003]Sony NEX-3/5[/shoplink]!

Sony opens the E-mount specifications! (SR5) New third party lens announcement soon!

Yesterday we told you that new lenses would be announced at the CP+ show. Today Sony announced it will disclose the basic specifications of its “E-mount” for interchangeable single lens cameras, without fee, to manufacturers of lenses and mount adaptors, starting April 1st, 2011 (Source: Sony.net). Sony also included the list of the first companies that will join the system:
1) Zeiss
2) Cosina
3) Sigma
4) Tamron

That’s good news folks! It’s a long time we are waiting the news! The only thing we don’t know yet is if Sony will also share the AF specifications.
Are we are going to see the first lenses tomorrow? Yes! Take a look at Zeiss! ;)

(SR4) No new Sony NEX camera or Alpha at CP+ show. (but something else is coming?)

The CP+, the biggest asia photoshow of the year will start on Wednesday. I have one bad news and two good news. The bad news first: There will be no new NEX camera or Alpha camera! Please don’t cry yet because there are also two good news:
1) I have been told there could be new stuff like new lenses, new colored NEX cameras and maybe something else(?).
2) Sony chose to launch the big stuff within the second and third quarter of the year. So you don’t have to wait a lot! “he who laughs last, laughs best“! I will post more about that soon!

Don’t miss any rumor. Keep following us on Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources (60-80% the rumor is correct)
SR5=almost certainly correct!