(SR5) NEX-3 officially discontinued in Japan!

Last week I told you that the [shoplink 3000]NEX-3[/shoplink] will be replaced by the NEX-C3 in April. And yet not even Sony Japan doesn’t make it a big secret anymore. They officially discontinued the NEX-3 (Source: DC.watch)! According to SonyAlphaRumors sources the new NEX-C3 will have a 16 Megapixel sensor (same as the [shoplink 3003]NEX-5[/shoplink]) and a new body design. If you know more about the NEX-C3 feel free to contact me (Andrea) using the contact form on the right sidebar (anonymously) or by dropping me a message at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com.
Now dear readers:

In US the NEX-3 just got a new instant rebates (Check yourself at Amazon (Click here) and Bhphoto (Click here).). This could be related to the NEX-3 successor rumor…
NEX-3 direct shop links at [shopcountry 3000] NEX-5 direct shop links at [shopcountry 3003]
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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!