A request to our sources: info about new NEX lenses needed.

During the last weeks I recieved pieces of info from different sources about the future NEX lenses. I am trying to order them but I need a little bit of help. Those are the questions to my sources:

1) When is the Zeiss 24mm f/1.7 going to be announced?
2) Some of you sent me info about future lenses but without mentioning if those lenses are for E or A mount. Can you please add that info? An example is the 55-200mm lens someone told me about…
3) Sigma, Tamron and other third party lens makers are very likely to announce new NEX lenses. Some details about that?

Thanks a lot! :)

(SR4) Videocamera with built-in projector

[shoplink 6148 ebay][/shoplink]
Image on top: The first camera with built-in projector, the [shoplink 6148 ebay]Nikon Coolpix S1000pj[/shoplink].

Ok ok, that’s not a Alpha related rumor but let’s post it anyway :)
Along the A35, NEX-C3, FS100 Sony will also announce three new videocameras. We have been told that one of the videocameras has built-in projectors. In the past we found a few patents describing such cameras so this should not be a big surprise.
What I am wondering is if that feature will sooner or later also become part of Sony digital cameras. I don’t know if you really care about that but Nikon already has such a camera: it is the [shoplink 6148 ebay]Coolpix S1000pj (Click here to see that cam)[/shoplink].

Stay tuned on SAR, the new NEX and SLT cameras are coming soon on April 4!


Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR1-SR2) Unbelieveable rumor: Medium format camera from Sony?

[shoplink 6136][/shoplink]

Two of my sources sent me info about a “Mystery cam“. But…there is a “but”! But they wanted me to post the rumors with SR1 value only (see bottom of the post to see what it means). This because they got the “feeling” there could be an error inside the info they received. They sent me a few detail about the mystery cam I want to check before to post here. What I can tell you know now is that the camera has a high resolution sensor. From the info I got it looks like it could be a medium format camera a la [shoplink 6136]Leica S2 (Click hee to see that cam)[/shoplink].

I post the rumor in the hope some of my other trusted sources can tell me more about that and confirm the specs I got from the other two. Thanks!

And now the question to you. Does it make sense for Sony to make a new Medium Format system? Pentax recently entered the market with the [shoplink 6137 ebay]Pentax 645D (Click here to see that cam)[/shoplink]. With a sub $10.000 price that camera can compete against the high end Canon/Nikon fullframe cameras. Maybe Sony wants to go the same way? And there is also the fact that Kodak Imaging business isn’t doing well. If they stop to make medium format sensor will Sony take over the market? Those are just speculations….for now!

Check out the Pentax 645D specs and price at [shopcountry 6137].
Check out the Leica S2 specs and price at [shopcountry 6137].

Thanks to the two anonymous sources that sent me the info! Let’s hope we can soon figure out what’s the truth behind that story ;)

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR4) New SLRmagic 23mm fast prime for NEX to be announced soon.

While we are all waiting for new E-mount lenses from Sony, Zeiss, Sigma and Tamron we can “enjoy” the release of another cheap chinese lens for E-mount. Via Twitter SLRmagic announced that “We have another lens planned for the e-mount. Around Q4 this year.” But one of our sources told us more about it. It will be a 23mm fast prime lens and it should be announced on April 1 (it’s not a joke!).

SLRmagic is already offering one lens. It’s the SLR Magic 35mm f/1.7 you can get on [shoplink 3514 ebay]eBay only (Click here to see the current lens auctions and price)[/shoplink].

P.S: My bet is that Sony and Sigma will announce new E-mount lenses in April. Stay tuned!

(UPDATED) And here it is the NEX-FS100!!! The professional version of the VG-10.

What the hell! That’s a nice videocamera! Crews.tv just posted the first images and specs of the new NEX-FS100 camera. There is no official Sony press release yet but I am quite sure they got the right specs and images. This is the model we epxected to be placed above the [shoplink 3058]Sony NEX-VG10[/shoplink]. It will compete against the [shoplink 6087 ebay]Panasonic AG-AF100[/shoplink].

UPDATE: Now it’s official! You can read everything at pro.sony.com. The bad news is that Crews.tv apparently made an error and the price is much higher: $6,550.00!!!


  • Exmor™ Super 35mm CMOS image sensor
  • E lens mount (and most other popular mounts via adaptor)
  • Full HD 1920×1080 AVCHD HD recording / MPEG2-SD recording
  • Over- and under-speed recording
  • XLR audio inputs (XLR x2)
  • Detachable 3.5″ colour viewfinder
  • On-board Memory Stick, SD memory card and optional HXR-FMU128 flash memory media
  • Uncompressed HDMI output with time code for external 4:2:2 recorders
  • NEX-FS100K includes E18-200mm lens, LCD viewfinder, power adapter, lithium battery (NP-F770), microphone (ECM-XM1) and wireless remote

More pictures at Crews.tv

Will you consider to buy the 400mm f/4.0 FE lens?

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Check out the NEX-VG10 price and specs at [shopcountry 3058].

Check out the Panasonic AG-AF100 price and specs at [shopcountry 6087].

(SR5) Sony A77 to start shipment early October. (SR4) Announcement mid-July

I bet many of you are tired to wait for the [shoplink 3228]A700[/shoplink] successor. We saw many prototypes on many shows during the last year. And Sony didn’t unveil any specs or details about the camera and final release. But finally I have some very reliable info about the Sony A77 release. Exclusive on SonyAlphaRumors of course ;)

According to our trusted sources the new Sony A77 will hit the market in October. One source claims to know the exact worldwide shipment date: October 6th! And when is Sony going to announce the camera? I am not 100% certain yet but a few of our sources said that it should be announced in July at a luxury event (probably in Montecarlo).

I can also confirm that the specs we posted here during the past few months are correct:
1) The A77 has a newly designed 24 Megapixel sensor.
2) I have been told that Sony and Zeiss worked very close and very hard to develop lenses that can deliver the necessary resolution for the 24 Megapixel APS-C sensor. The first lens to be announced should be the 16-50mm zoom. Compared to the [shoplink 5586]Zeiss 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5[/shoplink] it will have a constant aperture and probably have a bit higher price. Zeiss 16-80mm price check at [shopcountry 5586].
3) The combination of the new sensor+new Zeiss lens delivers 62% more resolution than the [shoplink 3617]A55 16 Megapixel sensor[/shoplink].
4) Sony officially said at Amateur Photographer the A77 price will be on the level of the Canon 60D. But according to our sources it will be a little bit more expensive than the 60D. Canon 60D price check at [shopcountry 5117]
5) We already got a few detailed specs but we need some time to double check the info we received. I hope to post them soon on SAR. The only thing I can say is that the electronic viewfinder is much better (But no hybrid viewfinder a la [shoplink 6075]Fuji X100[/shoplink]), autofocus very accurate, It records FullHD, robust body compared to current SLT cameras, no flip-up mode to allow shooting without this extra sheet of glass in place, it will take CF+SD+MS cards, of which you can use two at the same time, 1.000 pictures with one battery.

I am working to get more info about the A77 and the products that are going to be announce don ealry April (4th?). There will be so many new cameras and lenses you cannot even imagine ;)
If you have some rumor to share contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. And invite your friends to follow us! Join us at Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Stay tuned!
Andrea (SonyAlphaRumors editor)

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Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

(SR5) Fullframe Translucent camera coming in 2012 only (A77 info soon!!!)

I am now 99% sure there will be no new Fullframe camera from Sony this year. That is was my trusted sources told to me. And honestly they were never wrong. But they also told me the FF camera will be amazing and a “perfect tool for Photographers“. I know those are “just words” but my sources are not fan-boys and when they say that I have to believe them :)  It’s very likely that the prototype will be shown at the Cliq show in September (Las Vegas).

But this is pretty much the last bad news I will give you. So don’t get frustrated! The A77 is coming soon (I will write more about that tomorrow!), new NEX camera and lenses too. I am veeeery busy working on rumors. If you have some to share contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar.

So please stay tuned on SAR!

If you are satisfied with my work and want to help me to cover server costs and the beer I need while working feel free to purchase products through those links [shopcountry 3003]. it doesn’t matter what you buy once you click on that link (cameras or books or whatever). I will get a small commission for everything you buy and you don’ pay any penny more! I really appreciate your help Thanks!


Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!