(SR5) Tons of new leaks: Sony A35 and NEX-C3 manual. Sony 30mm macro for NEX priced at 259 Euro!

What a day! Thanks to the help of our readers we found many new leaks on Sony websites! Let’s make a summary of all of them:

1) The Sony NEX-C3 czech manual is available for download here: http://sony.zstudio.cz/PERSONAL_VIDEO_FOTO-VIDEO/NEX-C3. You need a username and password to enter. But the most surprising thing here is that the czech Sony website shows you the username and password you have to use! Check: http://www.sony.cz/article/id/1091522716812. I repeat those are all official Sony sites, there is no hacking here!

2) Also the SLT-A35 czech manual is available for download here: http://sony.zstudio.cz/PERSONAL_VIDEO_FOTO-VIDEO/SLT-A35.

3) Sony Service Canada does list the new NEX-C3 and A35 cameras + the new Sony 30mm f/3.5 macro lens for E-mount.

4) And the french store Camara.fr does list the 30mm lens priced at 259 Euro!

Sounds like we are going to see that stuff soon in our stores! A special thanks goes to all SAR readers that are collecting and sending the leaks!

If you have some rumor to share contact me at sonyalpharumors@gmail.com or use the anonymous contact form on the right sidebar. And invite your friends to follow us! Join us at Facebook, Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

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(SR4) 30mm f/3.5 macro for E-mount to be announced soon?

We heard from our sources that Sony will announce new lenses on May 26. One of these lenses is certainly the 55-200mm tele zoom for NEX.

Now one of our readers (Thanks “DNicholas”) noticed that Sony Service Canada does list the Sony 30mm f/3.5 macro lens for E-mount. Go to https://www.sonyservice.ca/ServWebII/modelSuggestedPriceSearch.do and click on “Download Model Price List”.

You can find that code:
SEL30M35 E-mount 30mm F3.5 Macro 4W

Keep checking the list. You might find other new products ;)

P.S.: Sony has already a 30mm f/2.8 macro lens for Alpha mount. Check price and specs at [shopcountry 6706].

Sony Service Canada also mentions the NEX-C3 and Sony A35

Sony Service Canada officially confirmed the existence of the NEX-C3 and A35 models. Visit that website: https://www.sonyservice.ca/ServWebII/modelSuggestedPriceSearch.do and click on “Download Model Price List”. The list contains the following codes:

SLTA35K           SLTA35K WITH 18-55MM LENS             4WNOT AVAIL
NNEXC3KB          NEX N-Sample camera                     NOT AVAIL
NEXC3KB           NEXC3KB with 18-55mm Lens             4WNOT AVAIL
NEXC3MOCK         NEXC3 Mock-up                           NOT AVAIL

I hope Sony will announce the new cameras soon, also because I am very tempted to buy the NEX-C3!

NEX-C3 and A35 manuals online (but password protected)

The error message that appears when you try to login. Nice to see Sony uses Ubuntu servers ;)

UPDATE: A SAR reader found the links (???) to the official NEX-C3 and SLT-A35 manuals written by zstudio.cz. To bad that you need username and password to login. Without them I can’t login and see if those manuals are real :(



How the peaking modus works (coming with the new NEX firmware)

Two days ago we leaked the new NEX firmware upgrade manual. One of the new features is the new peaking feedback system. To see how it works check this Sony H5 review at Dpreview (Click here): “The blue areas show peaks of contrast (as used by the autofocus system), giving clear, obvious feedback about which areas will be captured sharply.

What I don’t know yet is when Sony will announce the new firmware (and also the new NEX-C3). If you know something feel free to share it by dropping (anonymously) a message using the contact form on the right sidebar. Thanks!


Conurus is developing an EOS to NEX electronic adapter?

Conurus left a very interesting message on the Cameralbas forum: “We are developing an electronic adapter which interfaces a Canon EF lens to a Sony NEX body. You just set the aperture on the Sony NEX body and shoot (or let the camera decide in Program or Shutter Priority modes). We have already built a successful prototype and is in the process of putting this in production. For more information, look for “conurus” on Twitter, Youtube or Google.

The website of the compnay is: http://en.conurus.com/faq.html

P.S.: See the list of all current EOS to NEX manual adpaters on [shoplink 5932 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].

Sony is preparing the NEX-C3 launch (website leak)

Image on top: Screenshot taken from Sony Germany

Many readers already noticed that Sony is preparing a new NEX-C3 page on their website.  See for example that page on Sony Germany or Sony UK. What I don’t know yet is when Sony will launch the new cameras. I was told that Sony has a planed press release on end of May (for the new NEX lenses). Maybe they are going to announce the cameras too or maybe not. Let’s see.