(SR3) NEX-C3 shipment in early July. Price 549 dollar/Euro

I still don’t know when Sony will officially launch the NEX-C3 but we got new info about the price and availability from new sources. The official price of the NEX-C3 with 18-55mm kit lens will be 549 Dollars/Euro. That’s the exact price of the current (discounted) [shoplink 3000]Sony NEX-3[/shoplink]. We have been told that there will be limited shipments in late June/early July. That because of the current production issues in Japan.

Keep following us because there will be new rumors soon. Those are busy weeks! Don’t miss rumors, join us on Facebook and Twitter and follow our RSS-feed!

Price checks:
NEX-3 at [shopcountry 3000].
NEX-5 at [shopcountry 3003].
NEX-C3 manual can be downloaded here: http://s230731361.online.de/NEX-C3_CZ-SK_screen.pdf (Thanks Stefan)

Reminder (SR = Sonyrumor):
SR1=probably fake rumor
SR2=rumor from unknown sources
SR3=50% chance it is correct
SR4=rumor from known sources
SR5=almost certainly correct!

Private Message for Tom

Sorry readers but I need to send a message to one of my anonymous sources.

For “Tom”… can you please contact me using a fake gmail account? Need to know more about what you said because I am bit surprised about the content. Thanks for your help!


Message for our sources

I have a bunch of messages for our sources (AXL, Tip. and the others).

1) I havn’t received any confirmation from other sources about the exact A77 launch date in July. But I am going to post the rumor soon with SR4 value.
2) I received the final price of the A77 with kit lens from three different sources. Last question. What kind lens do you mean? The current 18-55mm or the rumored new constant aperture lens?
3) Can you confirm the 26 May lens announcement? Is the 24mm f/1.7 Zeiss coming too?
4) Some news about the NEX-C3 and A35 possible announcement date?



P.S.: You can use the contact form on the right sidebar to send us anonymous messages. Please be patient. I try to double check rumors before to post them. I want to avoid to post false rumors. Thanks for your understanding

(SR3) Sony leaks the A77 name


UPDATE: That rumor comes from an external website. There is no way I can check if the rumor is correct or not. But I can guarantee the specs of the A77 I posted from my sources are almost certainly correct ;)

Inside the latest Sony consumer repair guide the A77 camera is listed (It costs $359 to repair it?).

A reminder. Tose are the specs of the camera we found through our sources:

The A77 is coming in mid July
Shipment start early October
Coming with new kit lens (A Sony 16-50mm zoom. Compared to the [shoplink 5586]Zeiss 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5[/shoplink] it will have a constant aperture and probably have a bit higher price. Zeiss 16-80mm price check at [shopcountry 5586].)
24 Megapixels (The combination of the new sensor+new Zeiss lens delivers 62% more resolution than the [shoplink 3617]A55 16 Megapixel sensor[/shoplink].)
1080p/30fps, 720p/60fps and 720p/30fps high-definition video
AF fine-tuning capabilities. A source told us that it has an improved focusing system (quite fast and accurate).
3 Million dot OLED viewfinder (more than double of the resolution fo the current [shoplink 3617]Sony A55/33[/shoplink] viewfinder.)
magnesium alloy
According to our sources it will be a little bit more expensive than the 60D. Canon 60D price check at [shopcountry 5117] It will take CF+SD+MS cards
No flip-up mode to allow shooting without this extra sheet of glass in place
1.000 pictures with one battery

Nikon will delay the mirrorless camera, D700 and D4 announcement. One more chance for Sony to gain market shares?

Before you read: Nikon makes amazing products and I want them to recover as soon as possible. It’s very important for their employees and for their families. I will cross the finger for them and for all other Japanese companies! So please don’t misunderstand the following article. We are only talking about a possible future market share shift (from a “cold” marketing perspective, no fanboy thinking here!). A big hug to all Nikon employees!!!

According to (reliable!) sources from Quesabesde Nikon delayed the announcement of the mirrorless cameras because of the problems conected with the Sendai plant that has been shut down after the earthquake. Quesabesde doesn’t expect any new mirrorless camera (and No D700 and D3 replacement) before October!!!

A few days ago USA TODAY said that with the shortages in cameras, due to the crisis, “The opportunity for Sony, Olympus and even Samsung to grow a little market share in the next few months is clearly out there“. And also Thom Hogan said ”Sony’s inventory problems had been somewhat the opposite of Nikon’s: most items have been in plentiful stock, partly because they’re not as efficient as Nikon in getting a customer in a store asking for something. So, yes, USAToday’s basic premise is correct: if sales shift away from Nikon, Sony should gain.”

And on top of that Sony suprised us all with a huge Instant Rebate action in US which could put Canon and Nikon under pressure (A wonder why we europeans can never enjoy such nice offers):
-$50 on the A580 at Amazon, Adorama, B&H and J&R.
-$50 on the A55 at Amazon, Adorama, B&H, J&R, eBay.
-$50 on the A33 at Amazon, Adorama, B&H, J&R, eBay.
-$50 on the NEX-5 at Amazon, Adorama, B&H, J&R, eBay.
-$50 on the NEX-3 at Amazon, Adorama, B&H, J&R, eBay.

From what I know Sony will introduce plenty of amazing new products in 2011. You can bet on it! We expect 4-5 Zeiss lenses for Alpha, new G lenses, the Zeiss 24mm f/1.7 for NEX, 2-3 other Sony NEX lenses, Sigma and Tamron lenses, the A77, the NEX7, the NEX-C3 and NEX-C5 and the A35. yes that only in 2011! And what about fullframe cameras? Don’t worry, Sony will surprise us in 2012 ;)

Place your bet:

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I say it once again: The best for all of us is that Nikon and Canon can recover soon. Best for the japanese companies, for employees and for the simple marginal reason that competition forces the companies to create even more amazing products!


SLT-A35 specs analysis

So what are the difference between the A33 and A35? Our reader Romansta made this nice spec comparison (Thanks!)

First, the A35 has a longer battery life compared to the A33
A35: 420 pictures with flash | 460 pictures without
A33: 270 pictures with flash | 290 pictures without

It has also a longer burst rate (in Jpg):
A35: Maximum Burst Rate (Modus AE): 21 (Fine) / 29 (Standard) pict.
A33: Maximum Burst Rate (Modus AE): 14 (Fine) / 16 (Standard) pict.

It’s slower in RAW:
A35: 6 pictures
A33: 7 pictures

But the A35 has a reduction of overheating and you can record longer videos:
A35: Continuous movie recording mode – Temperature
20°C Steadyshot ON: 29 minutes | OFF: 29 minutes
30°C Steadyshot ON: 14 minutes | OFF: 29 minutes
40°C Steadyshot ON: 10 minutes | OFF: 29 minutes
A33: 20°C Steadyshot ON: 11 minutes | OFF: 29 minutes

A35: New Menu Option: Selection of the first screen of the menu, the main menu or the last menu. (page 56)

If you find some more differences drop me text! Thanks!

Editor’s note: Dpreview now does publish rumors? Without to mention the source?

Let me say first that I really like DPreview for their reviews and useful forum. But I have been a bit surprised to see our Czech manual leak rumor on their website. As long as I know they were always against the publishing of rumors or leaks.

Just a note, I spent a couple of hours and many of our readers made a nice job trying to find the links to the Czech manual and the login data. I think they could have posted a link to our articles (as other websites did). Hey, I also did many mistakes in the past and I know it’s sometimes very difficult to link back to the right source. But I take the chance to remind you that it would be nice if you post a link back to us when you take the info we posted here first on SAR. It helps us to keep the website growing and to get even more rumors and news.

Thanks! And greetings to the Dpreview team ;)