TTartisan will soon launch two new lenses…and will they make an E-mount camera???

Richard Wong had a chat with the TTartisan boss. There are new autofocus FF lenses coming soon:

  • TTartisan 35mm f/1.8 autofocus lens (end of October)
  • TTartisan 55mm f/1.8 autofocus lens (November/December)
  • New camera in 2024

What I personally found interesting in this review is that TTartisan plans to make a camera too! I don’t see them launching camera with a new mount and I guess they will use an existing mount. What would you think about them making an E-mount camera???

Wild rumors roundup: ZV-E10II and new 100MP sensor

About those rumors: I have no idea who sent them and 90% of the times they turn out to be wrong. But, it happened in the past that a couple of those were right. So I will post them today, and we all together can eventually keep track of this. If one of the sources turns out to be right than we will know we can trust it a bit more!

Source 1:

Some internal rumors about the ZV-E10 II launching later this year (end of Q3)

Source 2:

Looks like 2 new sensors are ready.  80MP + QP AF and 100MP.

Source 3:

A trusted Sony Source told me:
There will be future camera feature Updates via Creators Cloud/App.
Starting with the ZV-E1 120p Update in Summer.
There may be priced feature Updates in future also.

Samyang might soon announce a new 16-35mm FE lens?

One source heard a “whisper” about a possible Samyang 16-35mm FE announcement. This would be a sort of way more affordable alternative to the newly announced 16-35GMII. The source itself wasn’t 100% sure about this yet but he will let me know once he gets a  final confirmation…

Something else: My source confirmed the Nikon ZF is coming on Sept 20. And yesterday Black magic announced a new Full Frame L-mount cine camera that is super cool! More about that in my latest video:

Very first image of the new Viltrox 135mm f/1.8 FE autofocus “LAB” lens

As you know Viltrox has announced a new “LAB” series lens that will have ultimate image quality. There first lens will be the 135mm f/1.8 E-mount Full Frame autofocus lens. And this is the first time we actually see the lens!

First thing you will notice are the many switches and buttons on the lens. You also see the LAB logo. No info on filter thread and price yet. I guess it will cost less than half of the Sony 135mm GM and be very close or even match the optical performance.

We may be close to see the day when Chinese manufacturer can offer super quality lenses for a very low price…

Sony has registered a new camera in China: This is the new Sony A9III folks!!!

On September 4th Sony registered a new camera model in China. This has 5.1G (MHz) compatibility which usually means this is a mid to high end level camera. The ZV-1II for example only had a 2.4G registration. If you wonder how long it takes until this camera will get announced just look at the recent history:

  • Sony ZV-E1 was registered on December 12 and announced on March 29 (3,5 months)
  • Sony ZV-1II was registered on February 2 and announced on May 23 (3,5 months)
  • Sony A6700 was registered on February 16 and announced on July 12 (4 months)
  • Sony A7cII and A7cR were registered on June 12 and announced on August 29 (2.5 months)

So as you see the chances are high the camera will be announced between end of November 2023 and early January 2024. This is EXACTLY the timeframe I told you MANY times for the A9III launch!

Reminder: Sony also has three “minor” camera registrations from June 12. One is surely for the just announced LR1…not sure if the other two are for Burano and something else…

Thanks Nya for this excellent work!



Some unconfirmed “Burano” rumors: 1ms readout speed makes it nearly as fast as a global shutter sensor?

Two new sources shared the following info about the Burano E-mount Full Frame Cine Alta camera that Sony will announced on September 12.

Source 1:

CineAlta Burano’s readout speed is within 1ms (open gate), maintaining the excellent quantum efficiency and high signal-to-noise ratio characteristics of the BSI stacked sensor, and realizing an image view that approximates the global shutter, and in the vast majority of scenarios, it is not possible to notice the difference from the global shutter.

Source 2:

Trade show vendor leaked to me on Wed that she was told the Sony Burano will have a price of $24000.

Again, those are from new sources so I can’t be sure yet if the info is correct. But for sure that fast readout speed sounds exciting and maybe also hints at the capability of the future A9III?