Sony invited sports photographers at a big event happening in Istanbul in November

A couple of weeks ago I told you that Sony should announce new product(s) on November 7/8 at the Creative Space Event in NYC. Now I have been told that European Sports Photographer have been invited to an event that takes place in Istanbul at around the same time of the NYC event.

An interesting additional info is that also some Canon/Nikon sports photographers have been invited.I still do not have a 100% confirmation…but hints are getting stronger we might be getting the new A9III indeed!

New Sirui 23, 33, and 56mm f/1.2 APS-C E-mount lenses will be announced in late October

Image courtesy of CineD

End of October Sirui will officially release three new APS-Cx E-mount lenses:

Sniper 23mm F1.2

  • Shortest shooting distance: 30cm
  • Weight: approx. 400g
  • Filter: 58mm
  • Approximately 350 USD
  • black, gunmetal gray, white

Sniper 33mm F1.2

  • Shortest shooting distance: 40cm
  • Weight: approx. 400g
  • Filter: 58mm
  • Approximately 350 USD
  • black, gunmetal gray, white

Sniper 56mm F1.2

  • Shortest shooting distance: 60cm
  • Weight: approx. 400g
  • Filter: 58mm
  • Approximately 350 USD
  • black, gunmetal gray, white

Two more “Sniper” lenses will be announced in 2024.

via Asobinet

Curiosity: Sony A9II was announced at the Creative Space event four years ago ;)

I told you last week that one of my trusted sources is sure Sony will announce new product(s) at the Creative Space event around November 8th. While I am yet still not 100% sure what will be announced the odds are looking better for a possible Sony A9III announcement. I will list you the reasons why this is the case:

  • The Sony A9II was announced four years ago at the Creative Space Event :)
  • Sony registered a high End camera model on September 4th
  • My super trusted source told me Sony has scheduled the A9III release for the timeframe between November and January
  • Another trusted sours SAW(!) the A9III camera and shared ot me some details he asked me NOT to share to not get him into trouble. All I can say as keyword and proof that I am onto Bullshitting you is this: “Triathlon on the Beach“. You will understand this the day the A9III gets announced ;)
  • And another “hint” I got I cannot share yet…but it’s another good news!

I am sure I will get some details soon I can share on SAR ;)

More info about the next three new Sony cameras: A9III, new FX camera and maybe the A7sIV

As you know back in September Sony registered three new Sony cameras. I think I now know nearly for certain what 2 out of these 3 cameras are:

  • Sony A9III (100% certain)
  • Sony video focused camera (100% certain)…it might be a new FX camera (70% chance).
  • Maybe a Sony A7sIV (50% chance)

A more technical analysis of the Sony registrations:

I thank our Chinese reader E8M for sharing valuable information on how to interpret correctly the China registration codes. In short:

  • Multi band models have “A” in the code (which means they support both 2.4 and 5.1 Ghz) and short range models have “D” in the code (2.4Ghz)
  • Devices produced in China have the “P” code and imported devices have the “J” code

Nearly all mid to high end models from Sony have multi band support (“A” code). And Sony produces most (not all!) higher end camera in Thailand/Japan and therefore they have the code “J”.
That’s why most of the higher end cameras are labeled “AJ”. Most of the mid label camera the “AP” code (multi band device produced in China).

This isn’t 100% accurate because there are exceptions (like FX30 and A7rIII). But it’s most of the time a good indication of what to expect. Hope it’s clear now :)

CRAZY! Sony registered another new camera in China! We will now soon get TWO high end and ONE video (FX?) camera!

Reminder: The Amazon prime deals are now live at Amazon USA, Amazon Canada, Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Amazon FR, Amazon IT, Amazon ES, Amazon NL. To counterbalance this action there is also a 2 day massive deal event at BHphoto and Adorama.

I have an update to yesterdays report: We will not get two but THREE new Sony cameras between November and February! Two have the “AJ” code which usually stand for very high end cameras (like the A7sIII, A7rV, FX30, A7cR), and one has the “AP” code which stands for mid level cameras (like the A7c, A7IV, ZV-E1, A6700, A7cII). All three have 5.1Ghz support.

Question is…what can we hope to get?

  • Sony A9III for sure (maybe on November 7-8?)
  • Sony A7sIV or other high end camera
  • UPDATE: The third camera is most definitely going to be a video camera….likely a new FX model!

Now, seeing that Sony has to announce all these cameras within few months I expect at leas one of those models to be announced on November 7-8. According to my sources that’s when Sony will announce new products for sure! I hope we will get the A9III which will be the world’s fastest FF camera there is.

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Thanks NYA for your geat work!

Yes, looks like the two new Sony cameras will BOTH be HIGH END models! For sure A9III coming…and then the A7sIV?

A reader named “Sony xxx” noticed a very interesting additional info you can learn from the two Sony September camera registrations:

  1. The camera with the main code “WW559681” has a second code “2023AJ13731″
  2. The camera with the main code “WW459276” has a second code “2023AJ15352″

The string “AJ” has been used on high end models like the A7sIII, A7rV, FX30, A7cR,
The “AP” string is used for mid level models like the A7c, A7IV, ZV-E1, A6700, A7cII.
The “DP” string is used for lower end models and Vlogger cameras like the ZV-E10, ZV-1F, ZV-1II.
The “DJ” string is a new string for three low end cameras that have been registered in June 12. Those models are kind of odd and I don’t know if they are for the LR1 and other some specialized PTZ models. See the list here:

Now, if that holds true both newly registered cameras are HIGH END cameras! One for sure being the A9III. The second one COULD be the A7sIV? Like I told you before both cameras will be announced within this timeframe: November 2023 and January 2024. Sony has planned an announcement around November 8th. But I am not sure yet if they will announce one or both cameras on that day!

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New week new TON of rumors coming!

It’s early in the morning here in Italy. And this weekend I worked on new rumors. Seems like Sony is going to give us all plenty of reasons to spend our savings on new gear! I have 4 hours of video editing to do for my private job. After that I will post a new rumor about a curious proof for the existence of TWO new high end cameras that Sony will announce soon. I am also getting first confirmations about what could be announced on November 8th by Sony. I also ask my MAIN trusted sources if they could help me to figure out what the SECOND high end camera is: A7sIV, A1II, RX, FX or something else? Thanks! So stay tuned on SAR this week…you will not regret it ;)

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– P.S.: And I know some of you hate my teaser…but get used to it and enjoy them :)