Look at how impressively small the Sony A1 is compared to the Nikon Z9

Yesterday I posted the official Sony A1 vs Nikon Z9 specs comparison that can be seen here. But what’s still impressive is that the Sony A1 can do all it does in a very small body (image via DClife):


The Z9 is really great and will do 8k60p via fw future upgrade. But I wonder what a Sony Ax camera with that huge Z9 body could do. All that space for new processing power….100MP sensor with 8k120p and 30fps? :)

Mobile01 made the most accurate A7IV vs A7III body comparison on the web

The folks over at Mobile01 made the best and most interesting comparison between the two bodies:


Sony A7IV preorders (Use those affiliated links to support my work. Thanks!):
In the USA at BHphoto. Amazon. Adorama. FocusCamera. BuyDig.
In Europe at Fotokoch DE. Calumet DE. Foto Erhardt DE. Park UK. Wex UK. Amazon DE. Amazon UK. Amazon IT. Amazon ES. Amazon NL.
In Australia at Sony.com. CameraPro.
Sony HVL-F46RM Wireless Radio Flash at BHphoto. Adorama.
Sony HVL-F60RM II Wireless Radio Flash at BHphoto. Adorama.
Sony 70-200mm GM II Lens at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama. BuyDig. FocusCamera. FotoKoch DE, Calumet DE, WexUK, ParkUK.
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