Worldwide press likes the new Sony cameras (NEX, SLT, VG10, and A580)
The graph above shows the google search trend of current mirrorlesss cameras. The [shoplink 3003]Sony NEX-5[/shoplink] is the most popular camera. But Sony is not popular because of the NEX system. Last few days many different reviewers tested different Sony cameras and they liked the tested products! says the Sony A580 ist the best APS-C camera to date.
Stev Huff preferrs the Sony A33/55 over the Nikon D3100.
PCworld (Click here) rated the [shoplink 3003]Sony NEX-5[/shoplink] as 6th on the list of the best tech product in 2010
Akihabaranews said the VG-10 is definitively the best “Hybrid Camcorder” ever made.
Luminous Landscape said The future of the photographic industry belongs to Sony and Panasonic.”
These are all opinions from independent websites. Now let’s hope Sony will continue the taken path!