Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 review at Kurtmunger

Image courtesy: Kurtmunger.com

Kurtmunger (Click here) tested the Tamron SP AF 70-200mm f/2.8 lens on the Sony A700 and A900: “Build quality is not great like the Sony, and the slot/screw drive focusing system is slow, but pretty accurate.  Unfortunately, there are no focus hold or focus limiter buttons to help out, that’s the down side.  On the up side, the lens performs very well optically, with relatively low distortion, good control of both axial and lateral color fringing, although color fringing is noticeable along the sides at the short end to about 135mm.”

For comparison: You can also read the Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 review at Kurtmunger and Photozone.

The Tamron lens costs $769 at BHphoto (Click here)
The Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 SSM Lens is just a little bit more expensive….$1,799.00 (!) at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

New Sony A55 review and superdeals at Adorama

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Techradar (Click here) tested the Sony A55: “It would be very easy to dismiss this novel design as a gimmick, but for certain photographers it will provide a real advantage. Image quality is similar to contemporary conventional SLR cameras, but the size and weight of the A55 is much reduced, making this camera ideal for those who travel extensively, or just wish their SLR was a bit smaller and lighter.” A bit strange that the verdict sounds good but the final rating is 3/5 stars only. I checked the ratings from other cameras. The Nikon D7000 got three stars and the Pentax K-5 four stars. Both cameras do share the same A55 sensor but it looks like the Pentax K-5 can squeeze out the best image quality from the sensor.

If you still do not own the Sony A55 you might take a look on the latest deals at Adorama (Click here). They are offering $100 instant rebates on many A55 double lens kits. If you need more than the kit lens only go for it!

Check all A55 prices clicking those direct links: [shopcountry 3617]

New Sigma 85mm f/1.4 vs Sony Zeiss 85mm f/1.4

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Sigma recently introduced a new [shoplink 5600]85mm f/1.4 HSM lens[/shoplink] for Sony. The question now is: How does the Sigma compare with the $450 more expensive [shoplink 5601]Sony Zeiss 85mm f/1.4[/shoplink]? You can find the very first comparison at Dpreview forum here and here. So what do you think?

You can preorder the Sigma lens at [shopcountry 5600]
Check the price and availability of the Sony/Zeiss 85mm f/1.4 at [shopcountry 5601]

Sony Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 review at Kurtmunger

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Our friend Kurt Munger just posted the new Sony Zeiss 24mm f/2.0 review (Click here to read the full review): “The Sony Carl Zeiss 24mm F/2 lens is expensive, but is it worth the price? As I explained above, it has some really good qualities, and a few flaws for a very expensive lens, it all depends on what’s important to you. Based on some preliminary tests, I’d say if you own the [shoplink 3034]CZ 16-35mm[/shoplink] and/or [shoplink 4835]CZ 24-70mm[/shoplink], and won’t need F/2, then you probably won’t benefit from the CZ 24mm[/shoplink]. However, F/2 is a whole stop faster than F/2.8, that’s a big part of the additional expense, and very important when doing hand-held shooting in low light.

Check the current Zeiss 24mm price at [shopcountry 3037] (Click shopnames to visit the direct product page).

Kipon EOS to NEX adapter with built in aperture control.

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I can imagine that some of our readers do own Canon lenses they would love to use on their NEX cameras. Until today you had no way to control the aperture of the Canon lenses using the currently available adapters. Kipon now provides a solution for your problem. they made an [shoplink 5561]EOS to NEX adapter[/shoplink] with built-in aperture control! You can find a review including image samples at the japanese website DC.watch (Click here). They tested the 50mm f/1.4 USM and 24-70mm f/2.8 Canon lenses.
If you have “Canon-friends” you might mention them the adapter to help them to buy a into the NEX system ;)

Check out current Kipon adapter auctions at [shoplink 5559]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].

More new Sony A33/55 reviews…

Geek.com tested the SonyA55 translucent camera. But they prefer the Canon rebels over the Translucent cameras: “There are a number of aspects about the Sony A55 that I really like. The camera has great technology, it takes awesome video (with excellent full-time AF while shooting), has built in GPS, ISO 12800, and it has all the perks of a pellicle mirror. It’s not without its problems though: the camera seems like it could use a firmware upgrade (past v1.10), the GPS was wonky, and the sensor overheating made shooting video a pain when it should have been a great experience. I’m still impressed with the A55, and it could be a good choice if you need something that takes excellent (short) videos, but I wouldn’t recommend it over cameras like the T2i/T3i.

The french website Alpha-Numerique posted the second part of their A55 review. They went to a theatre to test the A55 performance. They found that the AF speed, EVF and Image stabilization features are very useful features for theatre video works because it makes it possible to work in very low-light conditions.

And to finish cameralabs updated their Sony A33 review (To be honest I don’t remember what parts have been changed but I have been told that they did change the article).

Direct Sony A55 shop links [shopcountry 3617]
Direct Sony A33 shop links [shoplink 3620]

New Sony A55 review at Photographyblog

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Photographyblog posted their new [shoplink 3617]Sony A55[/shoplink] review: “The Sony A55 turns conventional design on its head to provide what is in many ways a better user experience than traditional DSLRs can achieve, at a price point that Canon and Nikon must be worried about.“…”The Sony A55 is a great marriage of new and old, competitively priced to take on the best that mid-range DSLRs and Compact System Cameras can offer, and surpassing both in many ways. Highly Recommended.

Click those links to visit the A55 page and check price and availability: [shopcountry 3617]