New Sigma 70-200mm OS review by Kurtmunger (+ new 15mm lens speculation…)

[shoplink 6455][/shoplink]

Kurtmunger (Click here) posted a new Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 EX DG OS HSM lens review: “I used three lenses for this review, and all three seemed about the same in image quality, so I’m thinking the quality control for this lens is ok.“…”The Sigma 70-200mm OS build quality is good, (but not as good as the Sony), and it offers the same type of fast, almost silent focusing system that Sony uses (SSM). Unfortunately, there are a couple of things missing on the lens that should be included at this price range; like some focus hold buttons and a focus limiter option to speed up focusing in certain situations.”…”Overall, I think the Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 HSM telephoto zoom lens with optical stabilization is not all that impressive considering the price tag is in the neighborhood of the excellent Sony 70-200mm F/2.8 G.

Direct Links to the Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 EX lens: [shopcountry 6455]
Direct Links to the Sony 70-200mm F/2.8 lens: [shopcountry 6369]

Kurt also sent me the following info: “Just thought I’d relay some info on the new flash (HVL-F43AM) from Sony. I noticed it has a 15mm diffuser, which means Sony may be coming out with a 15mm lens at some point in the future, or it could be just a typo.  I put a specs chart on my homepage, and my thoughts on it.

Let’s hope he is right ;)

Go fast: Canon 50mm f/0.95 on Sony NEX

[shoplink 6433 ebay][/shoplink]
If you need fast lenses for your NEX than you have to look for interesting third party lenses. As you know weeks ago I posted a news about the possibility to use the Micro Four Thirds Nokton 25mm on a Sony NEX. But he lens doesn’t fully cover the larger APS-C sensor and it’s a bit questionable if it makes sense to use that lens on your NEX camera. Some of our readers sent me possible alternative lenses which do cover the full image circle. One of the most interesting lenses is certainly the [shoplink 6433 ebay]50mm f/0.95[/shoplink] from Canon. Here is a list of links on Flickr:
An image of the NEX-5 with the lens attached (by Eldech on Flickr)
A second image of the lens on the NEX (by Nico on Flickr)
Image samples (by Nico on Flickr) There are many nice images!

See the current Canon 50mm f/0.95 on [shoplink 6433 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. The lens costs more or less like the [shoplink 5973 ebay]Nokton 25mm for NEX[/shoplink].

If you have more images to show feel free to share them on SonyAlphaRumors! Thanks!

Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 II review by Kurtmunger (+ new Tamron to be in Stock soon)

[shoplink 6369][/shoplink]

Kurtmunger (Click here) tested the [shoplink 6369]Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 II APO EX DG Macro HSM[/shoplink] lens for Sony: “Final thoughts; Sigma’s quality control is awful, I used three lenses for this review, the third lens they sent me was a winner.  If you want to try your luck, and are patient, you might wind up getting a good one, at which point you’ll be hard pressed to tell the differences between the Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 HSM II and the [shoplink 6370]Sony 70-200mm F/2.8 G[/shoplink], in both sharpness, focusing accuracy and speed.  At the time of this review the Sigma is about half the price of the Sony, which makes it a great bargain…..only if you get a good one!

Compare the price of the two lenses:
Sigma 70-200mm at [shopcountry 6369].
Sony 70-200mm at [shopcountry 6370].

One more thing: Tamron officially announced that the new 18-270mm F/3.5-6.3 Di II PZD lens will start worldwide shipment on April 15. It costs $649.00 and is already available for preorder in some stores. Check those direct links: [shopcountry 6373].

The new NEX-FS100 video roundup (Alexander Schrott, VideoCobra)

To bad Sony had to delete the NEX-C3 and A35 announcements. But at least we got a very nice NEC camcorder! I am going to post a few interesting videos I found on vimeo. The video on top is a “funny” self-interview about the NEX-FS100. It’s a very informative preview!

Alexander Schrott made a unique test. The video shows images of the NEX-FS100 taken with the excellent [shoplink 6331]Canon FD lenses (Click here to see those lenses on eBay)[/shoplink].

SONY NEX FS-100 launch promo video.

Mar Forman tested the camera in NYC. I am not allowed to embed the video so please click the link:

Noise test at +30DB:

The camera should hit the stores in July (Source: BHphoto).

Go as fast as possible: NEX-5 + De Oude Delft f/0.75 pictures

[shoplink 6323 ebay][/shoplink]

If you are completely crazy about fast lenses that you should take a look on this. The Photographer Aldo Navoni used the [shoplink 6323 ebay]De Oude Delft 50mm f/0.75[/shoplink] (!) on the Sony NEX-5. It might be worth t take a look on his Flickr page (Click here). I don’t know if there is any faster lens on earth you can use on a NEX!!!

You can get the lens on [shoplink 6323 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. But damn expensive!!!!

Status of Sony Group Manufacturing Operations Affected by the East Japan Earthquake

Sony released a new press release with an update about the Status of Sony Group Manufacturing Operations Affected by the East Japan Earthquake.

(Tokyo, April 6, 2011) – Sony Corporation (“Sony” or the “Company”) today updated the status of Sony Group manufacturing operations affected by the March 11 East Japan earthquake, tsunami and related power outages, as of April 6, 2011.

As of March 14, 2011, operations at ten Sony Group sites and facilities had been suspended as a result of damage caused by the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages. As announced on March 22, 2011, manufacturing operations at three of these sites had since resumed or partially resumed. As of April 6, 2011, manufacturing operations at five other sites have also resumed or partially resumed.

Sony Manufacturing Systems Corporation, Kuki Plant (Saitama Prefecture) – Resumed on March 15, 2011.
Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation, Kanuma Plant (Tochigi Prefecture) – Partially resumed on March 15, 2011. Further expanded operations on March 23, 2011.
Sony Energy Devices Corporation, Tochigi Plant (Tochigi Prefecture) – Partially resumed on March 22, 2011.
Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation
Tome Plant (Miyagi Prefecture)
Nakada Site – Partially resumed on March 28, 2011.
Toyosato Site – Partially resumed on March 28, 2011.
Sony DADC Japan Inc., Ibaraki Facility (Ibaraki Prefecture) – Partially resumed on March 28, 2011.
Sony Energy Devices Corporation
Koriyama Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) – Partially resumed on April 1, 2011. (Coin batteries, etc.)
Motomiya Plant (Fukushima Prefecture) – Scheduled to gradually resume operations by the end of April 2011.
Sony Shiroishi Semiconductor Inc. (Miyagi Prefecture) – Partially resumed on April 6, 2011.
Sony Chemical & Information Device Corporation
Tagajyo Plant (Miyagi Prefecture) – Currently undergoing cleaning and damage inspection.

As also announced on March 22, 2011, manufacturing operations at certain manufacturing sites that were not directly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami have been adjusted in response to planned power outages and the availability of necessary raw materials and components. While the situation varies according to product, Sony is responding to fluctuations in material or component supply by adjusting production levels at the five sites announced on March 22, 2011, and also at certain other domestic and overseas manufacturing sites from time to time. However, as of April 6, 2011, none of those sites has been required to fully suspend operations.

Sony will continue to monitor the availability of raw materials and components, and endeavor to maintain supplies of any products affected by these adjustments by relying on existing inventory to the extent available. The Company also plans to take further measures as necessary, including reallocating available materials and components among Sony Group companies, using alternative components and expanding procurement channels in order to restore full production capacity as early as possible.

The Company is continuing to evaluate the full impact of the earthquake, tsunami and related power outages, including the impact of these production adjustments, on Sony’s businesses and consolidated financial results.

First video shot with the Voigtländer 25mm f/0.95 lens on the Sony NEX-VG10

The video on top shows the very first video taken with a modified Voigtländer 25mm f/0.95 lens. What has been modified? The mount has been permanently changed from Micro Four Thirds to E-mount. You can get that modfied version on [shoplink 6262 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. You don’t have a lot of cheap options if you need ultrafast lenses. You can spend almost $1000 for the [shoplink 6287 ebay]Canon 50mm f/0.95[/shoplink] and $10.000 for the [shoplink 6286]Leica Noctilux 50mm f/0.95[/shoplink]. You need an adapter for both lenses!

Direct links to…
the Sony NEX-VG10 at [shopcountry 3058].
the Canon 50mm f/0.95 at [shoplink 3058]eBay[/shoplink].
the Leica Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 at [shopcountry 6286].