The NEX-5n is a Monster of a camera! (First review by Steve Huff)

Today we have many Sony NEX-5n news! Stev Huff (Click here) just posted the first full Sony NEX-5n review. And he says the NEX-5n is a monster and: “The bottom line is that Sony improved the 5 series and the 5n is an easy recommend as well as the best bang for the buck in the NEX line. At $699 with lens, I have to ask myself…For the money does it get any better than this? The answer to that is NO!
Steve posted many image samples and comparisons with other mirrorless cameras (including the ultaexpensive Leica M9p).

All (p)reviews and image samples I saw around the web do confirm that this is a wonderful camera. Now let’s hope Sony will do it right and make some nice NEX pancakes and other high grade lenses like the Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 (Click here to preorder).

You can get the NEX-5n at:
Amazon (in Stock!), Sonystore US (in Stock!), Sonystore Canada (in Stock!), Digitalrev (in Stock), [shoplink 8452 ebay]eBay (in Stock!)[/shoplink], Amazon DE (preorder) and Amazon UK (preorder),

More NEX-5n reviews:
First user review at Amazon US (Click here). (google translated).

Sony NEX-5n beats the Nikon D7000! (preorders at Amazon UK and DE).

Sony NEX-5N Low Light ISO Test and Touch Screen Functionality

Now, is it possible that the $600 Sony NEX-5n image quality is much better (I repeat “much”) than the $1100 Nikon D7000? If you look at Dpreview forum (Click here) the answer is yes. Damn does the Sony ENX-5n look good! And look at that Panasonic G3 vs Sony NEX-5N vs Olympus E-P3 comparison at pcpop (Click here). Easy to guess who is the winner!

Just a personal note. I am sooo tempted to buy the NEX-5n instead of the NEX-7 that I almost going crazy :) As I live in Europe I looked where to preorder the camera and I found two options:
Body only at Amazon DE (Click here).
with 18-55mm lens at Amazon DE (Click here) and Amazon UK (Click here).
double lens kit at Amazon DE (Click here) and Amazon UK (Click here).

I will probably go for the body only camera and use my [shoplink 8725 ebay]Nokton 35mm f/1.4 (See that lens on eBay)[/shoplink]. I need small and fast pancakes and that is probably the best lens I can use on the NEX-5n. Will write a review about that combination if I will find the courage to click on that damn “preorder” button! :)

Sony NEX-5N video quality reviews.

EosHD (Click here) posted the video on top and a short NEX-5n review: “There is absolutely no doubt that Sony have produced a dark horse here, at this price and position in the range. It offers the biggest amount of bang per square inch and per dollar that I have ever seen. Due to it’s size and compatibility out of the box with PL mount lenses, it could also replace a director’s viewfinder with a digital equivalent.

Video on top: Low Light and High ISO Sony NEX-5n Video Samples (Steve Huff).

Reminder: The NEX-5n is in Stock! Check here:
Silver NEX-5n + 18-55mm lens is in Stock at Amazon (Click here)
Black NEX-5n + 18-55mm lens is in Stock at Amazon (Click here)

Sony NEX-5n tested with two ultraspeed lenses (Leica and Noktor).

[shoplink 8695 ebay][/shoplink]

The fastes lens we have for our NEX systems are the just announced Zeiss 24mm (Click here to preorder) and the 50mm (Click here to preorder), both having f/1.8 aperture. But what to do if you need faster lenses? Steve Huff (Click here) tested two 50mm f/0.95 lenses on the new Sony NEX-5n.
1) The expensive Leica Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 ([shoplink 8696 ebay]Click here to see that on eBay[/shoplink]).
2) The new Noktor 50mm f/0.95 with E-mount (!) which is now available on [shoplink 8695 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink].

Steve says: “For the last two shots I focused on different points so I did not put up a crop. The one thing we can say for certain is that the Leica is sharper not only on the focus point but at the edges as well. I guess we are paying for something huh? The Noktor is built VERY well, almost Leica like but it is a bit bigger. Then again, it is a f/0.95 lens. With the EVF and focus peaking, these lenses are a breeze and joy to manual focus.” Read the full test with image sampels at Steve Huff (Click here).

Double Sony A35 review.

[shoplink 7419][/shoplink]

There is a new double [shoplink 7419]Sony A35[/shoplink] review:

Photographyblog (Click here) says: “The area that we’re most impressed with is the noise performance. It’s a pet peeve so we were gushing over the higher ISO settings which showed little or no noise at all. The EXMOR sensor gives punchy primary colours but not so much that they look unrealistic. In fact, in some cases, we preferred how the Sony recorded the colours to what was in front of our eyes.

AVhub (Click here) said about the A35: “It’s better featured than many of its rivals, nicely compact and hugely capable. The plus points are things Sony can obviously do well like the LCD monitor screen and the quality of the video recording, but from a photographic point-of-view this is a very likeable camera. It’s undoubtedly going to help Sony boost its market share.

One more thing: Sony A35 HDRphotography explained at Sonyalphalab (Click here).

The Sony A35 is in Stock at [shopcountry 7419].

New Sony NEX-7 videos and first ISO test!!!

There is a new Sony NEX-7 preview at DSLRmagazine (Click here to read the google english translation). You might don’t understand a lot as google doens’t reallya  good job here. But the exciting thing about that preview is that the reviewer (Valentin Sama) was the very first person to post an ISO tets made witht the NEX-7! Check here: NEX-7 ISO test (.jpg). The image quality looks quite good!

Availability: The NEX-7 is still a hotseller (hotpreordered) camera. See Amazon rankings (Click here to see them). One of our readers have been told by Sony Canada that the NEX-7 will be available from November 5. So you will have to wait at least two months before to get your hands on it! Preorders at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.

More NEX-7 news:
Hands-on at and Pocket-Lint. A video footage with the NEX-7 has been taken by EosHD at the IFA event in Berlin.

ALL Preorder links:
Sony NEX-7 body only at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony NEX-7 with 18-55mm lens at Amazon, BHphoto (notification only) and Sonystore.
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 E-mount at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only) and Sonystore. Sony A77 with 16-50mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony A77 body only at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony A65 with 18-55mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only), Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony A65 body only at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only), Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony NEX-5N with 18-55mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony NEX-5N at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, and Sonystore.
Sony 50mm f/1.8 at BHphoto (notification only), Adorama and Sonystore.
Sony 55-210mm E-mount at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only) and Sonystore.

New A77 and A65 image samples and ISO tests.

CLick on picture to enlarge (Source: Xitek)

You can’t enough of those image samples or not? Here is the next series!

1) Sony Club Germany (Click here) posted a huge ammount of full size images taken at all ISO settings with different noise reduction settings. There are also Long exposure shots and one RAW image. A very nice job done by “Ambos”! Thanks!

2) A chinese Xitek forum user (Click here) posted a set of A65 and A77 ISO comparison with different cameras (like the [shoplink 3028 ebay]Sony A850[/shoplink]).

3) More A77 image samples have been posted at Lenstip (Click here).

So what do you think? Not bad at all I would say. Cannot wait to see the image samples witht he final firmware.

ALL Preorder links:
Sony NEX-7 body only at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony NEX-7 with 18-55mm lens at Amazon, BHphoto (notification only) and Sonystore.
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 E-mount at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only) and Sonystore. Sony A77 with 16-50mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony A77 body only at Amazon, Adorama, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony A65 with 18-55mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only), Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony A65 body only at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only), Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony NEX-5N with 18-55mm lens at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, Jessops UK and Sonystore.
Sony NEX-5N at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto, and Sonystore.
Sony 50mm f/1.8 at BHphoto (notification only), Adorama and Sonystore.
Sony 55-210mm E-mount at Amazon, Adorama, Bhphoto (notification only) and Sonystore.