Sony NEX-5n reviews roundup

Outbackphoto (Click here) reviewed the NEX-5n: “The NEX-5N was a major surprise for us. Combined with the 18-200mm the NEX-5N is our close to ideal travel camera. We hope to be able to check the NEX-7 and see whether it would be an even better choice.”
Mike Kobal (Click here) tested the camera with the Canon 50mm f/1.8: “I have the Nex 7 on order, the only reason I am not getting the EVF for the 5N. I am very impressed with the sensor on the 5N, Sony has done a great job here and I can’t wait to get my Nex 7! Exciting times!”
Thisstonybrigde (Click here) writes: “So the question has to be asked: could you travel the world and make exhibition quality work with a little camera like this which takes up next to no room? I certainly think so. For me the clip-on viewfinder has made all the difference.”
The german website Photoscala (Click here) tested a couple of M-mount lenses on the NEX-5n.
Meanwhile it looks like the current Stocks of NEX-5n are shipping without the “Clicking” issue. And the new user reviews on Amzon US (Click here) are all extremely positive (all 5 star!). More user reviews are available at Amazon UK, Amazon DE and Amazon FR.
Preorder links: [shopcountry 8452].