Sony A77 review at Photographyblog: “it outperforms the competition!”

One of my favorite websites Photographyblog (Click here) tested the Sony A77. And the verdict is that the camera is “Essential“!!! If I am not wrong the last camera to get the highest verdict was the Nikon D3s which costs quite a bit more!

According to the reviewers the A77 “out-performs the direct competition” and “At a time when compact system cameras are the centre of attention, it’s great to see some real innovation in the DSLR world, and for that innovation to result in a truly exceptional camera like the new Sony A77.

I 100% agree that Sony is really innovating the digital camera market. And while some things have to be worked out (see lag issues or the not 100% perfect JPG quality) Sony is leading us to a new future where electronic viewfinders and photo+still hybrid systems will become the mainstream technology. It will be hard for Canon and Nikon to fight against that!
The A77 is out of Stock in almost any worldwide online store I checked. There are still some auctions on [shoplink 8461 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] but most of the times you have to pay a couple of hundreds dollars/Euro extra. The A77 should be in Stock again by mid January. Click these linsk to search for A77 preorders: [shopcountry 8461].

New NEX-7, NEX-5n and A65 reviews!

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There is a new article at Luminous Landscape at their NEX-7 rolling review (Click here). They talk about the Creative Styles, EVF and Live View Display. First they show you a “trick” to control the contrast of the EVF (because in bright light the EVF contrast can be too high). And they also found a small bug related to histogram feature. I hope Sony will fix that minor issue with the new firmware. There is another small NEX-7 review at karaatanasov (Click here): “I had never seen so much details from an APS-C. Colors are astonishing. It seems the Dynamic Range in RAW is amazing too (I do not have RAW software.). Again on colors this is the first Sony camera to remenice of the Minolta days
As you have read yesterday the NEX-7 is now shipping at Sonystore in USA. It should be available by mid January in Europe and Asia. Check these search links if the stores are accepting preorders: [shopcountry 8454].

Cameralabs (Click here) just posted the full NEX-5n review: “Sony has pulled it off and produced one of the most compelling mirrorless ILC models on the market and one we have no hesitation in granting our Highly recommended award.“.

Techradar (Click here) published a full A65 review: “The Alpha 65 is very well-specified in comparison to its rivals, matching or exceeding the competition’s feature-sets in many respects. It’s pricier, but we feel the impressive stack of high-end features that this camera has to offer more than outweigh its cost“.

In Stock status check:
A77 at [shopcountry 8461]
A65 at [shopcountry 8459].
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].

Sony A77 news and reviews roundup…

Low Budget Filming – Sony Alpha 77 & Movcam Rig

AF in manual video movie mode workaround Sony SLT A77 (Mikekobal). And contact sheets with A77 and NEX-5n (Mikekobal).

Sony A77 review by SonyAlphaLab (Click here): “I can pick apart a feature here and there and say the Nikon X is better in High ISO and the Canon Y has better AF, but as a whole the A77 is a phenomenal camera for a great price in my humble opinion.

A77 test at Expertreview (Click here): “Packed with features and impressive strengths including a superb kit lens, but high noise levels and lethargic controls aren’t acceptable at this price“.

The A77 is in Stock at Amazon Germany (Click here), [shoplink 10586 ebay]Heidfoto (crazy name!)[/shoplink], [shoplink 10587 ebay]Foto Neuber (Click here)[/shoplink], in US at [shoplink 10585 ebay]willoughbyscamera (with $400 extra to pay)[/shoplink], almost in Stock at Digitalrev (two weeks). There is a £50 discount at Amazon UK but the camera is not in Stock yet.

Sony 50mm f/1.8 for NEX review at Steve Huff (+ Zeiss lens is shipping!).

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Steve Huff (Click here) posted his final 50mm f/1.8 for NEX review: “Basically this lens is a must have for any NEX shooter who wants a medium telephoto with a fast aperture. The lens has great color, has a fast aperture for shallow depth of field or when the lights get low and the lens pumps out great color with rich saturated tones. The lens is sharp but not clinically sharp. On the NEX-7 it is a fantastic performer.

Yes that lens is a real winner. It only has a couple of drawbacks. It’s a bit too big, and it doesn’t come in black for my future NEX-7. I hope Sony will soon introduce a black version.

The lens is in Stock in Asia at Digitalrev (Click here). You can get it within 6-10 days at Amazon Japan (Click here). You will only get in January-February in Europe and US although SonyStore US (Click here) says it’s coming next week. I heard this isn’t true yet. Let’s see who is right…

Meanwhile good news for all those of you who preordered the Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 lens at Amazon (but you cannot make a new preorder yet).

Full new NEX and lens rpeorder links:
Sony NEX-7 [shopcountry 8454].
Sony NEX-5n [shopcountry 8452].
Zeiss 24mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8450].
Sony 50mm f/1.8 [shopcountry 8448].
Sony 55-210mm [shopcountry 8444].
NEX-5n viewfinder [shopcountry 9110].

The first NEX-7 unboxing video and a new reviews.

While we are all anxiously waiting for the [shoplink 8454]NEX-7[/shoplink] reviewers keep torturing us with excellent reviews and hands-on. And now we even have the very first unboxing video. So… enjoy and suffer! :=)
And Digitalcamerareview (Click here) posted a new NEX-7 review. And of course it got an Editor’s choice award! And Peter Sills (Click here) traveled for six days to Cuba with the NEX-7 and enjoyed the camera lot: “I am now totally convinced that the future of digital photography will incorporate high-quality EVF in almost all cameras“.
The NEX-7 is hardly available for preorder yet: [shopcountry 8454]

P.S.: You can win a new NEX-5n at Pocket-Lint (Click here).

Sony NEX-5N and exotic lenses (Leica-M, Leica-R, Zeiss ZM, Zeiss C/Y, Panasonic)

The until today unknown website (Click here) tested plenty of exotic lenses on the Sony NEX-5n. It’s a review full of details and image samples. And he tested some really nice lens you might be interested to buy for your NEX. Here is the list of all reviewed lenses:

[shoplink 10330 ebay]1) Leica Elmarit-R 19mm/2.8 II (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “This is a glorious lens for landscapes” but huge and suffers from flare.
[shoplink 10331 ebay]2) Zeiss ZM Biogon 25/2.8 (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “On the NEX-5N it looks at home. The size is perfect. Ergonomics are perfect, build quality is fantastic
[shoplink 10332 ebay]3) Leica Summicron-M 28mm/2 (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “This lens is perfection. It combines the refinement and naturalness of my Elmarit-R 19 with the sharpness of the Biogon 25.
[shoplink 10333 ebay]4) Voigtlander Colour-Skopar 35mm/2.5 PII (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “In daylight, it’s a street shooter’s dream come true. Tiny, unobstrusive and unassuming.
[shoplink 10334 ebay]5) Leica Summicron-R 50mm/2 (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “It’s sharp a plenty, has good colour and reasonably nice bokeh. Build is to Leica standards, except for the aperture ring that feels a bit plastic and cheap
[shoplink 10335 ebay]6) Zeiss Contact Planar T* 50/1.7 (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “Pretty convincing (read excellent) and so cheap.”
[shoplink 10336 ebay]7) Leica Summarit-M 75mm/2.5 (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “I really liked that lens! My only criticism would be the polygonal bokeh.”
[shoplink 10337 ebay]8) Zeiss Contax T* Sonnar 135/2.8 (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “The only real trouble with this lens is that it weighs a ton! Laaarge and heaaavy.
[shoplink 10338 ebay]9) Panasonic 14mm (Click here to see lens specs and price on eBay)[/shoplink]: “Perfect if you’re into weight lifting and like creamy bokeh.”


New Sony NEX-5n review and news roundup

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Imaging Resource (Click here) posted a full [shoplink 8452]Sony NEX-5n[/shoplink] review: “Sony NEX-5N is unquestionably a more feasible take-anywhere camera than pretty-much any SLR camera, and its combination of image quality and feature set make it fairly easy for me to look past the occasional wrinkle here or there. More often than not, I found myself grabbing the NEX-5N from our well-stocked shelf when I left the office for a little photographic R&R. That, in my book, is the mark of a camera worth owning, and for that reason the Sony NEX-5N earns a clear Dave’s Pick

The NEX-5n is a terrific camera and you already know that I like it a lot. And I am not the only one. Every Amazon ranking shows how the NEX-5n is selling well. Click on the links to see the mirrorless chart for every country: Ranking in USA (Pos 4), Ranking in UK (Pos 3), Ranking in France (Pos 2), Ranking in Germany (Pos 1!).

And I guess the NEX-7 would have done even better if there wouldn’t be that delay! Looking forward to January-February when the camera will be finally in Stock!

One more thing: I heard that the Stock of NEX-5n cameras is limited. I hope it will not run out of Stock soon. Check the availability at [shopcountry 8452].