Part two of the “Everyone Loves the RX100” reviews roundup :)

Pop: Shot on Sony RX100 from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

It’s really amazing to see how well perceived the RX100 is. SAR readers sent me so many new reviews that I already have to post a next reviews wrap up! (By the way thanks for all the SAR readers help!).

First of all the RX100 sales success never stops. It still sells more than any other mirrorless or DSRL or High end compact camera at Amazon US (Click here to see the ranking) and slowly climbing the rankings at Amazon UK and Amazon Germany too. So let’s take a look at some of the most recent new tests:

The well know filmmaker and blogger Philip Bloom (Click here) usually tests heavy and expensive video stuff only but he could not resists to take a look at the Sony RX100 too: “This is aVERY small camera with a crap load of stuff in it and it does most of it, from what I have so far, very well. The best pocket camera I have used to date, beating my beloved Canon S100.” You can see some videos on his website (one of them I embedded on top of this post).

An enthusiastic review has been posted by the guys from The Verge (Click here): “Sony’s RX100 is nothing short of the best all-around compact camera I’ve ever seen. Where mirrorless cameras made waves by downsizing DSLR-quality photos into a package you could throw into your coat, the RX100 does the same for your jeans. It’s really no exaggeration to say that it produces images roughly on par with an average DSLR and kit lens combination, making this a revolutionary camera that means you’ll always be in a situation where you can take genuinely high quality pictures.

That’s not all. Here is a super fast link roundup of more reviews:
Sample Photos at SonyAlphaLab. Sony RX100 Hands-On Review at Photographybay. The french website LesNumeriques posted the full RX100 review and the camera earned five stars out of five. There is also an English version of the same review at Digitalversus. RX100 review at DPS. New RX100 video by Outbackphoto. RX100 review at Trustedreviews, and in german at Der Spiegel. Another german Rx100 vs Fuji X10 comparison at SystemKameraBlog. Again another german review at Dkamera and Colorfoto.

You cna buy the lens by clicking those direct search links: RX100 at [shopcountry 13014].

And don’t forget that the super sexy RX100 Gariz case is already available in [shoplink 13071 ebay]Black on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink] and in [shoplink 13073 ebay]Brown on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]!

Everybody loves the RX100 (Photoclubalpha, Photographyblog, Cnet, Outbackphoto, Steve Huff…)

The video on top has been made by Mike Kobal. Done with the RX100…Great!

Everybody is reviewing the RX100 and everybody likes it a lot! David Kilpatrick even says it can match a Full frame….enjoy the reading ;)

Photoclubalpha: “At the best – ISO 80 to 125, stopped down just one full step from full aperture – the RX100 can match or better the typical output of a 21 megapixel full frame DSLR with 24-105mm lens.
Photographyblog: “The Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX100 is the first truly pocketable camera to offer a DSLR experience, and in that regard it could almost be seen as something of a bargain – it’s certainly deserving of our highest Essential! accolade.
Steve Huff: “In my hand the camera feels small but solid with a nice build. If it did have an EVF it would be flat-out my dream pocket cam.
Cnet Asia: “The svelte shooter offers reliable programmed modes, customizable buttons, fast autofocus performance and good image quality packed in a sleek chassis which may appeal to enthusiasts and beginners alike. This is why we chose to award the RX100 our CNET Asia Editor’s Choice.
Outbackphoto tested the RX100 RAW and Lens distortion.

The Sony RX100 is the ONE camera ruling the overall ranking at Amazon (Click here to see). I am now accepting bets. How long will it rule that ranking? Few days…weeks or even months? In Europe the RX100 is still not in Stock in most stores. But I found a good price (490 Euro) via [shoplink 13013 ebay]Wowcamera eBay (three in Stock now)[/shoplink].

Here are the full search links to the RX100: [shopcountry 13014].


(RX100 in Stock) NEX-5n/F3/7, A57, RX100 and lens review! And Zeiss for NEX in Stock.

UPDATE: The RX100 is now in Stock at Bhphoto (Click here).

This time I have tons of new Sony stuff reviews to report. Here is the complete link list. Before that US readers can be happy to knwo that at least nine new Zeiss lenses for NEX are back in Stock at Amazon (Click here).

Photoclubalpha posted the NEX-5n review: “When I have been editing NEX-7 images at their native 24 megapixels the NEX-5n upscaled image has sometimes looked better overall, and the native size NEX-5n image nearly always wins.

Long Term Comparison Review: Fujifilm X Pro 1 vs Sony NEX 7 vs Olympus OMD EM5 (ThePhoBlographer).

18-200mm E-mount lens tested at SLRgear.

NEX camera adpater for IR shooting at Mobileo1 (Translation here).

Sony NEX-F3 review at Digital-photography-school, DCresource and Amateur Photographer.

RX100 versus GF3 at DSLRforum (Translation here).  Sony RX100 Field Test Images at Outbackphoto.

Sony A57 review at Wired, Steve Huff and Mobileo1 (Translation here).

A russian NEX-7 review at Podakuni (Translation here). And a first impression review at


P.S.: Amazon (Click here) will ship your RX100 tomorrow! Mirrorless rank sales here.

First Mitakon 35mm f/0.95 image samples (not soooo bad!)

While we are waiting for the late August announcement that will bring us some new NEX lens from Sony let’s take a look to that new 35mm f/0.95 Mitakon lens with E-mount. Someon at Mflens forum found those pics made with the production version of the Mitakon lens. Those are all pics taken at f/0.95 aperture with the NEX-5n. Click on the pics to open the full size image.

P.S. You can find plenty of Mitakon lenses on [shoplink 12829 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. And they outsource to SLRmagic too. Example:
[shoplink 11187 ebay]SLR Magic 35mm f/1.7 MC (here on eBay)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 11186 ebay]SLR Magic Toy Lens 28mm Bokehmorphic lens (here on eBay)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 11185 ebay]SLR Magic HyperPrime 50mm f/0.95 (here on eBay)[/shoplink].
[shoplink 11186 ebay]SLR Magic 28mm f/2.8 lens (here on eBay)[/shoplink].

Sigma 30mm and Sony NEX-F3 reviews and RX100 image samples

It’s time for a new review roundup as many of our Sony friends tested new stuff during the last days:

Sigma for NEX
Kurt Munger posted the full Sigma 30mm lens review: “Overall, the Sigma 30mm F/2.8 EX DN lens is pretty good in optical terms, it’s just not a useful combo in my opinion.  Add in the poor flare control, small reproduction size, lack of image stabilization, and this lens really doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Sonyalphalab tested both new Sigma lenses: “Their about the same sharpness as far as I can tell, and both suffer from similar flaws as far as very slight corner softening and chromatic aberrations/ fringing. The relatively small flaws on these lenses are totally reasonable though, considering the ~$200 price tag
The Sigma 30mm lens is in Stock at Amazon US (Click here), Amazon DE (Click here), Amazon FR (Click here).
The Sigma 19mm lens is in Stock at Amazon US (Click here), Amazon DE (Click here), Amazon UK (Click here), Amazon FR (Click here).

NEX-F3 and RX100:
Photographyblog posted the full NEX-F3 review: “The Sony NEX-F3 may sit at the bottom of Sony’s mirrorless compact system camera line-up, but for many people this could be the only camera that they’ll ever need“.
Digitalcamerainfo also tested the Sony NEX-F3: “The NEX-F3 is a solid follow-up to the successful NEX-C3, making it the best entry-level compact system camera on the market
NEX-F3 search links at [shopcountry 12718].
Sony RX100 image samples at Lenstip.
RX100 Preorders at Amazon USAdoramaBHphoto, Amazon GermanyAmazon France and Jessops.

Next top reviews: RX100 tested by Luminous Landscape and EosHD

Berlin Vignette – EOSHD Sony RX100 test from Andrew Reid on Vimeo.

After David Kilpatrick’s NEX-7 review we have a next top review from one of my favorite websites, the RX100 test at Luminous Landscape (Click here): “The summary judgement for me is that the new Sony RX100 is hands-down the most appealing pocket-sized digital camera yet.” It’s again a must read article!

Also my friend Andrew from EosHD (Click here) posted a full RX100 review: “If you haven’t yet entered the DSLR video world, the RX100 is capable of similar results in video mode and even a similar standard of stills. This is amazing and I cannot believe we’re talking about a pocket camera.


I hope we can get this kind of positive reviews about the upcoming A99 and NEX-5F too!

RX100 Preorders at Amazon US, Adorama, BHphoto, Amazon Germany, Amazon France and Jessops.