New RX1 image samples!

Our Asian friends are already receiving their RX1 preorders…and we are all jealous :) So le’t see some new image samples coming from Japan!
Yodobashi (translation here) published a new RX1 report. And another report can be read at Dcfever (translation here). Darwinfish posted some HIGH ISO samples on Flickr. And more image samples at Gokuhamu.

The RX1 and accessories are already on sale with worldwide shipment via Japan resellers on eBay (here on Slidoo). EU and US preorders will ship from mid December. Just check these links to see price and exact shipment date: Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.

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Plenty of new Sony reviews (A99, NEX-6, NEX-5r)

Sony A99 review by Whatdigitalcamera

The Sony NEX-5r has been testd by Digitalcamerainfo: “While the most heavily publicized features (picture effects, self-portrait LCD, Wi-Fi uploading to Facebook) might paint this camera as an entry level model, the hardware and performance are more high-end than you may have guessed. And since Sony has plans to improve the E-mount family this year (cross your fingers), the 5R is an easy recommendation as a first system camera, or even an inexpensive backup camera for pros.
Initial A99 review at Chromasia: “As I guess you’ve already worked out, I’m seriously impressed with the SLT-A99. The image quality is superb, it has a great range of features, and no real negatives, at least none that have any major impact on my style/type of photography. As such I have no problem recommending this camera.
SonyAlphaLab keeps testing the NEX-6
Sony E PZ 16-50 f/3.5-5.6 OSS E-mount lens review at Camerahoarders.
SAR reader James (Thanks!) spotted the UK’s “Guardian” top 10 digital cameras article. And they picke up the NEX-5R and the RX100.

Thodoris:I was given the Sony A99 in order to do a review for a Greek photo magazine. Last night I photographed a concert, and I am sending you the results for your site, if you want to post them. I consider concert photography as the ultimate test of camera’s high ISO capability and AF speed/accuracy, since shooting a concert means the camera will encounter low light, lots of blue, purple and red strobes, and constant movement from the musicians (rock bands, at least).
All the images (web size) are here:
All were shot with the CZ 24-70/2.8, at ISO 6400 (except one at 16.000 ISO). I converted the RAW files to DNG with the latest Adobe DNG converter and then I processed them as I usually process all my concert photos. All of them got a little bit of extra light, some even got one full stop on the exposure slider. I did no noise reduction.
The camera performed fine at all times, the autofocus system was fast and accurate, and the EVF was just as good as the OVF of my Sony A850. Not that the EVF is the same as the OVF, but I never felt that it was “getting in my way”. All in all, a great first experience.

Sony preorder list:
A99 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 with kit lens links Alphacameradeals.
RX1 Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Wex Germany Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 with kit lens Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex Uk ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG900 Amazon, BHphoto, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, Wex Uk and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-VG30 Adorama, Amazon, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 16-50mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals .
Sony E-mount 35mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 10-18mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony A-mount 300mm f/2.8 Amazon, BHphoto, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH.

Sony RX1 RAW ISO test. Impressive!!!

Focus Numerique (translation here) just posted the RX1 JPE. FN noted that the Sony RX1 has significant overexposure (about 2/3 EV in too). They are surprised with the high image quality: ” Even ISO 3200 images retain an excellent outfit with a little grain present, light-colored and very gentle smoothing. ” and “Even at ISO 12800, there or Alpha 99 start to lose its pixels, the RX1 is still very powerful, even if smoothing is naturally more sensitive.It is possible to push the compact with up to 25600 ISO image quality quite amazing.

And Imaging Resource posted the RX1 studio test too and you can use the comparometer to compare th image quality with other cameras. I have to say I am impressed and you? I am very tempted to buy the RX1 now…very tempted! Problem is the price in Europe is much higher than in US :(
Today Sony finally started to ship the RX1! It is in Stock right now at Amazon Japan! The RX1 can be pre ordered at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.

Join Slidoo (and login to change settings) to get notified when the RX1 will be on auction on eBay.


New RX1 image samples! And is the innovation of the year according to CEA.

Consumer Electronics Association kicked off the countdown to CES 2013 with the announcement of the Best of Innovations Design and Engineering Award winners in New York City (via Cnet).

Our reader Andrej (Danke!) spotted new RX1 image samples posted by the Japanese website Itmedia (translation here). You cna find ISO 100, ISO 1250 images and basic bokeh test. Another Sony RX1 hands-on has been posted by the Vietnamese website Tinhte.

Shipment is estimated for December 6th in Japan according to [shoplink 15317 ebay]Shamikon[/shoplink] and December 14th in US according to BHphoto. It will ship in early November according to Sonystores in Europe. A bit weird that Sony France makes you pay 100 Euro more than other Sonystores (like Sony Germany).

The RX1 can be pre ordered at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.


Sony 16-50mm OSS lens review at ePhotozine.

Today ePhotozine posted the Sony 16-50mm OSS E-mount lens review. The size of the lens is amazing but does it deliver a good image quality? According to the reviewers: “At 16mm, sharpness is already excellent in the centre of the frame at maximum aperture. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about the clarity delivered towards the edges of the frame at maximum aperture for this focal length. Zooming to 28mm results in a slight drop in sharpness in the centre of the frame, but improvements are made towards the edges. Finally, at 50mm overall sharpness is reduced further, as is common with many zoom lenses.

The lens gets marked as “Recommended” while yesterday tested lens, the 35mm f/1.8 got the “Highly Recommended mark“.

Sony E-mount 16-50mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals .
Sony E-mount 35mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.
Sony E-mount 10-18mm Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals.

Sony NEX-6 tested for video (not good enough for video says Behiri)

How does this make you feel?- Sony NEX-6 test from Johnnie Behiri on Vimeo.

The NEX-6 is a great camera but according to Johnnie Behiri: “Spending the day with the NEX-6 left me with a very clear opinion. If you are looking for a photo camera that can shoot video: look elsewhere!” The reasons are:

Severe Moire
Severe aliasing
No clean HDMI output
No mic input
REC button in occurred position (to my opinion).
Single region only (PAL or NTSC)

Another NEX-6 test at Nexforum Poland (translation here).

Sony NEX-6 in Stock status check: [shopcountry 14167].

A99 RAW comparison with other FF cameras (220 Euro less for the A99 in UK?)

Screenshot via Dpreview.

Dpreview (Click here) updated the Studio scene comparison and included the A99 RAW files. As you see from the image on top there are very small differences between the single cameras when comapring the RAW files. The A99 holds up well with the rest of the class. What do you think?

One more thing for EU readers: As you know the A99 price in Europe is 2800 Euro (like here at Wex De). A couple of readers linked me to a store where you can save 220 Euro. It’s [shoplink 15344 ebay]UKbnsuk on eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. This is a Top rated seller but I ask you if you had an buyer experience on that store. I would always try to be careful before to grab one of these kind of superdeals…(deal found via Slidoo).

The RX1 can be pre ordered at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
A99 body Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.