New Sony RX100 news roundup…

Ireland shot on the RX100 from Sam Brosnan on Vimeo.

You voted the RX1 as camera of the year (results can be seen here). I confess to have voted for the smaller (and cheaper) Sony RX100 :)  The video on top is made by Sam and shows how great the RX100 is for video.

Digitalcamerareview also tested the Sony RX100 and writes: “Sony rightly observes that the RX100 would be an outstanding choice for a DSLR owner who wanted a pocket-size compact camera capable of producing high-quality images, but you don’t have to own a DSLR or even shoot in anything but fully automatic modes to enjoy the benefits of fine image quality from this new Sony.

The RX100 sells for $649 in US but I have found one single new camera for $589 on [shoplink 15894 ebay]eBay US (new!)[/shoplink]. An RX100 super kit with plenty of stuff is sold for $648 by FocusCamera via Amazon (Click here). Unusual for a Sony camera is also the huge amount of reviews you can read at Amazon (183!). Yep, while the RX1 is certainly impressive the RX100 has the advantage that most of us can actually easily…buy it :)

RX100 links roundup:
RX100 price search links: [shopcountry 13014].
Cases: [shoplink 13347 ebay]Official Sony LCJ-RXA case[/shoplink], [shoplink 13344 ebay]Gariz case[/shoplink], [shoplink 13345 ebay]more leather case[/shoplink].
Batteries: [shoplink 13346 ebay]NP-BX1 Battery[/shoplink].
Special stuff: [shoplink 13343 ebay]Multi-Coated LENS ARMOR UV[/shoplink]. Magfilter at Amazon (Click here). RX100 filter adapter on [shoplink 13486 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]

New RX1 reviews and in Stock status. (RX1 was(!) in Stock at Amazon US)

For the first time the RX1 is (now was!) listed as in Stock at Amazon US (via third party reseller). There is only one in Stock and I guess the deal will last for a couple of minutes only :( A couple of more cameras can be found on eBay (via Slidoo). But mostly overpriced.

Our Australian readers are also getting their RX1 cameras and they shared two impression reviews at Calebluke and Nexusers. Eleven user reviews can be read at Amazon US.

And if you need a battery be aware that you find some cheap third party alternative on [shoplink 15857 ebay]eBay[/shoplink] (let me know how they work!).

Click these links to check price and in Stock status: Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals. Save $170 by simply purchasing the $7 cheap chinese metal hood ([shoplink 15410 ebay]there is one here on eBay[/shoplink]) instead of the original expensive Sony hood.

Double Canon Canon-EF for NEX autofocus adapter test at

As you know we now have three new EF to E-mount adapter that support full electronic control (aperture and autofocus).
One is the [shoplink 15031 ebay]Techart EOS-E-mount adapter (here on eBay)[/shoplink] Than we have the [shoplink 15320 ebay]RJ EOS-E-mount adapter (Click here)[/shoplink].
And soon to come the updated [shoplink 15341 ebay]Metabones Smart Adapter II (only the older version yet available on eBay)[/shoplink]. (translation here) is the first website to test the new Metabones adapter and compared it with the Techart adapter. In short the Metabones has the better AF performance according to the reviewer (and is also the adpater the costs most!).

More news:
R.J.’s Electronic EF to NEX Adapter Review (Click here).
Techart Adapter video (Click here).

New Sony RX1 reviews (Huff, Whatdigitalcamera, SLRclub) and in Stock status check.

On the video on top Steve Huff talks about the camera of the year, the Sony RX1.

Steve Huff picked up the RX1 as camera of the year 2012. And also posted the second part of his ongoing RX1 review. Too bad he compares it with cameras having small APS-C and MFT sensors. Can’t wait to see a comparison with the $7,000 Leica M!

Whatdigitalcamera posted the full Sony RX1 review. The camera got an impressive score of 92%: “With a superb build, excellent detail retention at low and high sensitivities and competent metering and auto white balance systems on hand, it’s unquestionably one of the finest digital cameras we’ve seen yet.

SLRclub also posted the full RX1 review. I guess 99% of you will not be able to read Korean but you can still look at these nice pictures!

Pascal:Hi Andrea,quick word to let you know there is a brief preview of the RX-1 on Dear Susans

Olivier:I’ve setup a new tumblr with the most beautiful Sony RX1 photos & videos. Maybe you want to share this with your fine audience?

Reminder: We told you last week that no new FF model form Sony will be announced within the next 8-10 months. It also means that we have to wait a bit before Sony will release an interchangeable FF mirrorless system. What I really like about the RX1 concept is the fact that the sensor-camera and lens have been designed to match perfectly. That (along the size) is what really intruiges me about this camera. But the price difference between the US and Europe really p… me off! :)

Click these links to check price and in Stock status: Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK ,Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals. Save $170 by simply purchasing the $7 cheap chinese metal hood ([shoplink 15410 ebay]there is one here on eBay[/shoplink]) instead of the original expensive Sony hood.

The RX1 accessories are shipping in Japan (on eBay via Slidoo).

Sony NEX-5r/6 news roundup (and first leather case for both).

Sony 10-18mm f4 OSS Lens Review

Let me catch up with some news related to the latest new NEX-5R and NEX-6 cameras!

Digital Camera RAW Compatibility Update 4.02 for apple iPhoto 11 and Aperture 3 now available on the Apple app store. Brings support for the NEX-5R, NEX-6 and A99 just reduced the mex5r by £100 in the uk
Sony NEX-5r with 16-50mm zoom now preorder now available at
Speceman found the  NEX-5R kitted with Silver SELZ16-50 at Sony Denmark.
Nex5r for just £499 plus £50 cashback at Currys.
A whole bunch of NEX-5r leather cases are now available on [shoplink 15723 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]

Sony NEX-6:
New Sony NEX-6 review at Trustedreviews.
Sony NEX-6 16-50mm – Review and User Experience – Part 1 at Soundimagesplus.
Even more NEX-6 leather cases are now available on [shoplink 15724 ebay]eBay (Click here)[/shoplink]. Ther eis also a full leather set for [shoplink 15725 ebay]camera+lens+batteries (Click here)[/shoplink].
NEX-6 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Wex Germany Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.
NEX-6 with kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex Uk ,Wex Germany and more links at Alphacameradeals.

NEX lens:
Sony 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 PZ OSS power zoom test at Soundimagesplus.
Lens price check at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Wex UK, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH, and more links at Alphacameradeals .

Sony RX1 Amazon preorders shipping on Tuesday (and new reviews).

Some SAR readers have been notified that their preordered Sony RX1 will ship next Tuesday December 4th via Amazon (Click here). Yesterday European Sonystores (DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH) also started to ship the camera. Don’t forget that you can save some money by buying the $7 cheap chinese metal hood ([shoplink 15410 ebay]there is one here on eBay[/shoplink]) instead of the original expensive Sony hood.

And here are some new RX1 related news:
Kerry sent us the link to his RX1 article on Mysonyrx1. Than we have a first slow motion video on youtube. A video shot in Yokohama on youtube. An AF test by SLRclubreview on youtube.

Sony A99 vs D600 by Digitalrev.

Kai from Digitalrev posted that A99 vs Nikon D600 comparison video. In his opinion the Nikon has the edge. But as he correctly stated, the best camera is the one that fulfills your real need. And the A99 has quite some areas that are unmatched by the Nikon.
Kai doesn’t really like the EVF but the German website Digitalkamera (translation here) writes: “Der elektronische Sucher der A99 ist eine Wucht” which means “The electronic viewfinder of the A99 is stunning.”

And here are some new links to work done by SAR readers:
Tino shared his last work done with the A99 at
The Grand Circle “Ruby” – America’s Southwest (Timelapse, Nikon D800, Sony A99) on Vimeo.
Sony A99 with a Nikon Nikkor 85mm @1.8 – 1/100th – IS0 100 on Vimeo.

A99: Some small EU price drops:
You can now find the first 50-100 Euro price drops in EU at Wex Deutschland and on eBay (via Slidoo).

A99 store links: Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Jessops, Wex UK, Wex Germany, Sonystore DEUKFRITESNLSEFICH and more links at Alphacameradeals.