Sony RX1 test and news roundup…

I have to catch up with some recent RX1 tests. On top you see the latest X-E1 vs RX1 comparison by Steve Huff. Sony RX1 autofocus test at SonyAlphaLab. An RX1 long term review at (translation here). More RX1 tests at Sony RX1 first impression review at Calebluke.


RX1 at [shopcountry 15824].

RX1 Gariz accessories:

1) They made a new half leather case in Black and Brown ([shoplink 16437 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink]).
2) The new lens cap ([shoplink 16439 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink]).
3) The new entry is the anti loose button(!) ([shoplink 16438 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink]). Don’t know if that will be really useful for you RX1 owners. Someone has it and call it how it works? Thanks!
4) And this is the really first time I see that. A special Leather skin hood! ([shoplink 16441 ebay]Click here to see them on eBay[/shoplink]).

Double new Sigma 35mm f/1.4 lens review.

While we are waiting the new A-mount release from Sony let’s check how good the new Sigma 35mm f/1.4 lens. Here are two new reviews:

SLRgear (Click here) writes: “There’s a lot to like here: great results for sharpness, low chromatic aberration, and low distortion. There is some significant corner shading when used wide open, but coupled with the corner softness at the same aperture settings this contributes to an interesting look and subject isolation.

Photographyblog (Click here) says: “The only concession that it makes is the lack of any weather-sealing, something that the Canon and Nikon alternatives both offer. This is a relatively small concern for most photographers, though, so we can whole-heartedly recommend the new Sigma 35mm F1.4 DG HSM as a fast, well-built prime lens that delivers superb results. Essential!

The A-mount lens is availble for preorder at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (click here). To get notified when this lens is on eBay login and save this search at Slidoo.

35mm Sigma, Sony and SLR magic tests and news…

I just a couple of news and test all focusing on 35mm lenses:

1) The video on top shows a comparison between the Sony 35mm f/1.8, the SLR Magic 35mm f1.7 and the new SLR Magic 35mm T1.4 Cinelens E-mount lenses.

2) Matthew Durr tested the Sony 35mm f/1.8 OSS E-mount lens: “The 35mm f/1.8 is a fantastic lens, despite its focusing limitations dependent on CDAF. The only “real” knacks against it—heavy vignetting and noticeable fringing wide-open—can easily be worked around depending on the situation, what settings you shoot at, and how much post-processing you are used to doing.

3) Another Sony 35mm E-mount review has been posted by BanBGanBoom on youtube. He compared the lens with the 50mm f/1.8 lens which he says is a tiny bit sharper.

4) An anonymous reader sent me this: “Just relaying info regarding release date of Sigmas 35… I was just billed by B&H for my preordered 35 (Click here). If this is not a mistake I assume it will be shipped on Monday as it is their policy to not bill until item is in.” Let’s hope the info is correct!

Price and in Stock links to the mentioned lenses:
SLR magic 35mm 1.7 at Amazon and on [shoplink 3514 ebay]eBay[/shoplink].
Sigma 35mm A-mount lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and eBay Slidoo.
Sony E-Mount 35mm f/1.8 at [shopcountry 14169].

Sony NEX 6 Review At Cameralabs

Sony NEX 6 sample movie: continuous AF from Gordon Laing on Vimeo.

Cameralabs posted their [shoplink 14167]Sony NEX 6 (price & specs)[/shoplink] review. In the verdict they write:

For the first time the NEX series has a lens which perfectly complements its diminutive proportions. The E PZ 16-50mm F3.5-5.6 OSS power zoom is small, lightweight and provides two zoom controls, the second of which also serves as a manual focus ring. With a 24mm super wide-angle extending to 75mm equivalent portrait length, it’s an excellent stabilised ‘standard’ zoom that doesn’t prevent you dropping the NEX-6 into your coat pocket.

But probably the biggest development is the addition of Wi-Fi connectivity coupled with downloadable apps that allow you to add to and extend the camera’s features. This is a very exctiing development indeed, and one which means that the camera is no longer limited to the set of features it left the factory with. Currently there are eight apps available for the NEX-6, but I’d expect to see app availablity expand over the coming months and years as new NEX models also incorporate this feature. Those apps will hopefully extend the ability of the NEX range to communicate with a wider range of social networks and photo sharing sites as well as adding new creative photography features.

The review comes with lots of samples and videos. Check it out!

Sony NEX 6 price and availability check: [shopcountry 14167]

[via cameralabs]

Back To The Past: Minolta Lens Test With A77 by Michael Merto

Minolta Glass – Beercan from Michael Merto on Vimeo.

Michael Merto realized the video to showcase the performance of this old (but still amazing) Minolta glass, aptly named “The Beercan”:

The “Beercan” is probably the most well known of Minolta’s first generation AF glass. It is heavy. 70-210mm and a constant f4 is a pretty nice feature set considering ebay prices go around $150 US dollars. The autofocus is driven by the camera’s in-body motor and the glass is propelled by a screw. The zooming is in body so the barrel doesn’t extend as you zip across the range. It’s pretty long though and looks obscene mounted on the a77 without a grip. It’s sharp from around 5.6. The focus ring is narrow and not the best for full-time manual adjusting.

He used a [shoplink 8461]Sony A77 (price & specs)[/shoplink] with the Minolta.

The Beercan – Image credit: Michael Merto

Be sure to check the pics Michael shot with the Minolta 70-210mm f/4, and use to look for the lens on eBay.