New Zeiss Touit Manufacturing video. Full Zeiss 32mm f/1.8 review on NEX.

Carl Zeiss Lenses – Manufacturing the new Touit lenses (official Zeiss video)

Wow, that new video from Zeiss really makes you “feel” the quality of the new Zeis Touit lenses!

ThePhoBlographer (Click here) posted the first full Zeiss 32mm f/1.8 review made on the NEX-6. He writes: “The build quality is excellent and is more than worthy of being considered pro. Image quality is exceptional and the price is just right for a lens of this quality. If you’re looking to up your game, then look no further.

And the lenses will ship any time soon! X-mount lenses are already shipping on [shoplink 18704 ebay]eBay US (Click here)[/shoplink] and Amazon US (Click here) listed the E-mount Zeiss. But amazon doens’t accept preorders yet so you better grab it here:

12mm f/2.8 at BHphoto, Adorama and Uniquephoto. In Europe at [shoplink 18497 ebay]CameraCenter UK[/shoplink] and FotoMundus.
32mm f/1.8 at BHphoto, Adorama and Uniquephoto. In Europe at [shoplink 18498 ebay]CameraCenter UK[/shoplink] and FotoMundus.

P.S.: TO get notified when the Touit for NEX will be sold on eBay save that Slidoo search.

Three Sony A-mount lens reviews!

DPreview (Click here) posted the comparison between the Nikon AF-S Nikkor 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6G ED VR vs Sony 70-400mm F4-5.6 G SSM II: “On DX/APS-C format, the Sony compares very favourably to the Nikon. The former is a touch sharper wide open at the short end, but the Sony pulls well ahead for sharpness at 400mm F5.6. In other respects the two lenses run pretty well neck-and-neck.

Ken Rockwell keeps testing Sony stuff. He just posted the 28-75mm review (CLick here) and the 50mm f/2.8 review (Click here).

Sony 70-400mm preorders at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here) and SonyStore USA (via ACDeals).

Ken Rockwell goes crazy and admits he likes the Sony A99! ;)

Hold on guys….is this really Ken Rockwell using kind words on the new Sony A99? :) After years of Nikon-Canon DSLR reviews he actually got the A99 and guess what…he really likes the camera! I am just copying and pasting a part of his conclusion. Feel free to read the full article on his blog:

As soon as you realize that this is a high-performance full-frame mirrorless camera that just happens to look like a DSLR and takes MAXXUM and Sony SLR lenses, it all makes sense. I really like the images I can make with the A99. White balance and color are very good for people shots under any light, and exposure and focus are always magically dead-on. Regular DSLRs like the Nikon D600 and Canon 6D aren’t as consistent; I get to the right shot faster with the A99 than I can with a real DSLR that requires more fiddling to get the first good shot.

So finally, even long time Nikon-Canon owners are starting to see some of the greatness of Sony cameras. And I really can’t wait to see their reaction when the new cameras will be out in 2014!

And the price of the A99 is getting a tiny bit more “Interesting” too. Thansk to the great A99 superkit offer (here at Amazon) you can find the body only for a lower price on eBay at [shoplink 18663 ebay]Camwatch ($2,348.00)[/shoplink], [shoplink 18664 ebay]Samys ($2,449.00)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 18665 ebay]Electro Electro ($2,449.00)[/shoplink]. Superkit offers are also available at BHphoto (Click here). Not bad!

To get a full overview on US, European and Asian Sony deals join our new site. Save the page with your settings to get notified when there is a new deal. And if you find a deal you can submit it easily through this form!

The Minolta Maxxum 7000 by Ken Rockwell

[shoplink 18439 ebay]

The not so Sony fan Ken Rockwwell (Click here) posted an interesting review about the first A-mount camera, the superb [shoplink 18439 ebay]Minolta Maxxum 7000[/shoplink]! great to see that I can post some Minolta news form time to time :)

Why has the Maxxum been so important for the camera industry? Well, easy, it was the world’s first autofocus SLR. And as I wrote before it came with the brand new A-mount to allow this new feature. But it also had other great tech like a nice bright viewfinder (something many of us miss on today’s A-mount cameras) a life-sensing touch switch and a body quality that will last a lifetime.

I know most of you don’t shoot film in these days but I still do. Nice camera to hold and use from time to time. I bet that in 30 years from now I will shoot with my Maxxum while current digital A-mount camera electronics will be long dead!

-> The Maxxum 700 can be found used for around $300 on [shoplink 18439 ebay]eBay (Click here to see some auctions)[/shoplink].

Full Zeiss 12mm Distagon review on the NEX at ePhotozine.


We had a couple of test and image samples form the new Ziess lenses but almost all of them where done on Fuji X cameras. But finally ePhotozine (Click here) posted a full review made on the NEX-F3. They write: “Zeiss managed to produce a lens with optical characteristics worthy of the Zeiss reputation, that’s well designed and solidly built. Although this lens does carry a premium price, the additional cost isn’t so much that it will put this lens beyond the reach of everyone, especially those serious about using quality glass with their camera.

Zeiss preorder links:
12mm f/2.8 at BHphoto, Adorama and Uniquephoto. In Europe at [shoplink 18497 ebay]CameraCenter UK[/shoplink] and FotoMundus.
32mm f/1.8 at BHphoto, Adorama and Uniquephoto. In Europe at [shoplink 18498 ebay]CameraCenter UK[/shoplink] and FotoMundus.

More Lens Turbo tests…

TheMartists (Click here) posted a full Lens Turbo Canon FD review. It’s a very well written test you have to read if you consider to buy it! Another test has been posted by Ney001 on Flickr. Overall it looks like the Lens Turbo cannot match the quality of the more expensive Speed Booster. But I hope we can see a direct comparison soon! P.S.: the original Metabones Speed Booster has been officially launched in Japan (DC.Watch).

It certainly isn’t fair, but most of the Chinese Stores sell the Lens Turbo with the “Speed Booster” title. SO if you search for [shoplink 18583 ebay]”Lens Turbo” on eBay (Click here) you get 9-10 results. If you search for [shoplink 18455 ebay]”Speed Booster” (Click here) you find zillions of adapters! So be aware that the official Meatbones Speed Boosters can be found here:


New 20mm f/2.8 pancake gets DxOmarked.

DxOmark (Click here) tested the new 20mm f/2.8 E-mount lens. They didn’t test the “older” 16mm pancake so we can’t know if the new 20mm lens is better. Obviously the lens can’t match the quality of other more expensive primes like the 35mm f/1.8.

I still think Sony should do a tiny bit faster and a tiny bit higher quality pancake. I know, it’s easier to be said than made :)