Two new Zeiss Touit tests. In Stock now at BHphoto and Adorama.

Short note for US readers: Both Zeiss Touit lenses, the 12 and 32mm primes are in Stock now at Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).

New reviews: Matthew Durr posted the Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 test made on the NEX-7 camera. And Luminous Landscape tested both lenses (on a Fuji camera).

Matthew writes: “Though I did give high marks to the Sony 35mm f/1.8 OSS, and I still stand by what I said, the Zeiss is in another league in areas of performance like sharpness and aberrations.
LL writes: “Overall we rate the new Touit 12mm and 32mm lenses very highly. Technical reviews on sites that measure MTF, distortion and such are already showing first rate results, and our pragmatic field tests fully corroborate this.


Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 (for A-mount) and 60mm lens (for NEX) tested.

Photozone (Click here) tested the 60mm lens for NEX: “When looking at the sum of its characteristics and the extremely low price tag, the Sigma is a pretty safe bet indeed.

And Lenstip (Click here) the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens: “You should congratulate the Sigma Corporation and their optics specialists for two reasons. Firstly for their courage, not only they manufactured a unique instrument but also made it optically excellent in many categories…and (secondly) the company suggested a price which is within the reach of many amateur photographers“.

The superb Sigma zoom can be preorderes in USA at BHphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here) and in Germany at Foto Erhardt and Hifishop.

New Sigma 18-35mm lens test: “Shockingly sharp”!

Note: Sigma for Sony preorder at  BHphoto (Click here)!

SLRgear (Click here) tested the new Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens. And the conclusion sounds really amazing:

The Sigma 18-35mm ƒ/1.8 DC HSM “A” lens packs a big punch in features and image quality without a big punch to the wallet. Shockingly sharp images at all apertures, even at ƒ/1.8, with excellent flatness of field and good control over chromatic aberration, distortion and vignetting make this lens a no-brainer for users of APS-C cameras looking to upgrade from their kit lens. Furthermore, the lens has excellent built quality with smooth zoom and focus actuation and a nice, hefty heft to it that brings to mind the feel of high-end professional-level zoom lenses. With a super-fast constant ƒ/1.8 aperture that produces surprisingly great images, packaged with excellent build quality, and at the same time having a price that dramatically undercuts the competition, the new 18-35mm ƒ/1.8 DC HSM “A” is sure to become a top seller for Sigma.

Again, this is an amazing lens for an incredible low price. Likely the best APS-C A-mount lens released the last 1-2years don’t you think?

Preorder at  BHphoto (Click here)!

P.S.: More image samples at Digitalcamerareview. More new deals info at DealsRunner (Deal of the day is the Sony action camera discount).

Astonishing Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 available for preorder for Sony A-mount!

Good news folks! Sigma announced the price for the amazing and fastest ever 18-35mm f/1.8 DSRL lens! And you can already preorder the Sony A-mount version(!) at BHphoto (Click here to see price and specs). This is an impressive lens sharp right from the widest aperture! Grab it!

And keep in mind that the 4% reward at Amazon US (Click here to read the rules) and at BHphoto (Click here) will last until tomorrow!

UDPATE: You save $250 on the Refubrished A58 double lens kit at BHphoto (Click here).


More deal bits:
Both Zeiss Touit are in Stock and Shipping at BHphoto (Click here).
SLTA77 Body $300 Instant Savings + Free vertical grip $300= $600 in Instant Savings at Amazon (Click here)Samys (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
SLTA77 with 18mm-135mm $300 Instant Savings + Free vertical grip $300= $600 in Instant Savings at Amazon (Click here), Samys (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
SLTA77 with 16mm-50mm $300 Instant Savings + Free vertical grip $300= $600 in Instant Savings at Amazon (Click here), Samys (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).


New Zeiss Touit 12mm review. Lenses now in Stock in Germany and UK.

The new Touit video you see on top of this post has been posted by Zeiss. And Photographyblog (Click here) tested the Distagon 12mm lens on the Sony NEX and the lens gets “highly recommended”.

And finally the lens is in Stock in Europe:
the 12mm at FotoMundus DE (Click here), [shoplink 18829 ebay]CameraCentre UK (Click here)[/shoplink].
the 32mm on Amazon DE (Click here), [shoplink 18826 ebay]eBay Germany (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 18827 ebay]eBay UK (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 18828 ebay]CameraCentre UK (Click here)[/shoplink],

First two Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens tests: Surprising good performance at full aperture!

The world fastest zoom lens for APS-C sensors just got tested at Focus Numerique (google translated) and Digifoto (no translation because images will not be displayed by google). And both reviewers came to the same conclusions!
FN writes: “The results of the new Sigma zoom are impressive and worthy of a professional optical 24×36 mm f/2.8 zoom!
Digifiti noticed as only limit the high chromatic aberration: “We were surprised again after seeing the test photos. You expect from a zoom lens at fully open aperture somewhat lesser performance in the corners. The Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 however scored exceptionally well, even at the 18mm f/1.8 corner tightened remains very good. The bokeh of the lens looks very stylish, and distortion remains well within bounds.

The Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 (here at BHphoto) isn’t yet available for preorder as Sony A-mount. But as I told you last month they will certainly release the A-mount version within the year!

P.S.: Some image samples can be seen at Dpreview too.

Zeiss Touit 32mm vs Sony 35mm.

Image courtesy: Lensrentals.

Roger from Lensrentals (Click here) tested the new Zeiss Touit lens and compared it with the cheaper Sony 35mm f/1.8 lens. It is certainly not a surprise to see the Zeiss being the winner of the contest but the Sony performance is quite close! He writes:

The Sony 35mm OSS gives you slightly better performance optically, a wider aperture, and image stabilization for $449. At f/1.8 it’s pretty equal to the Touit in resolution and has less distortion. Stopped down just a bit, to f/2.2, though, the Touit gives much better optical performance than any of the other lenses. Worth $900? To some people certainly. To others, not at all. For me, taking actual pictures with it confirmed what the numbers suggested. The center resolution is probably the best I’ve seen from any lens on an NEX camera. That’s enough to make it a future purchase for me.

Roger also writes that the Sigma 30mm f/2.8 is the best bargain. But of course it’s maximum aperture is f/2.8 “Only”. If you need a faster lens the Sony my be the best bet. But if you want to have the ultimate image quality you better go for the Zeiss. In short…it’s up to you :)

Sigma 30mm f/2.8 at [shopcountry 7044].
Sony 35mm f/1.8 at [shopcountry 14169].
32mm f/1.8 at BHphoto, Adorama and Uniquephoto. In Europe at [shoplink 18498 ebay]CameraCenter UK[/shoplink] and FotoMundus.

12mm f/2.8 at BHphoto, Adorama and Uniquephoto. In Europe at [shoplink 18497 ebay]CameraCenter UK[/shoplink] and FotoMundus.