RX100MII sells very well! And new test roundup.

According to Amazon overall camera Ranking (Click here) the preorders on the new RX100MII are very. Obvioulsy the RX1R is a niche product and cannot be foudn in the top 100. By the way, both cameras got a new shipping date. According to Amaozn the RX100MII (message) and the RX1R (message here) will now ship on July 27 (previoulsy it was July 14). And there is another message on the product page: “Visit amazon.com/camera on 7/1 at 10 a.m PST for an exclusive preview of these new Sony cameras. Submit your questions via Twitter with #Sonylive.

New RX1R and RX100MII tests:
1) Luminous Landscape erroneously writes “RX1N” instead of “RX1R”. According to them: “There is a difference. The Rx1N is sharper. But as with the Nikon 800e vs the 800, the difference is very small. In fact, my experience is that only in direct on-screen side-by-side comparisons at 100% magnification is that difference really noticeable.
2) Focus Numerique (Google translation here) tested the RX100MII and they say that up to ISO 400 there is no image quality gain over the RX100. Only at High ISO you see slightly better results but the difference is minimal.
3) The German Photoscala (Google translation here) tested both RX cameras. The say the RX100MII delivers an “almost” DSLR image quality. And the sharpness gain on the RX1R is negligible and not visible in real world shots.
4) And there is even a Greek review at Authority.gr (google translation here). It has been written by SAR reader Vangelis. Thanks!

Here is the updated preorder list:
RX1 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, WexUK, Sonystore US, Sony Canada, Sony Deutschland, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Spain.
RX100MII at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, WexUK, Sonystore USSony Canada, Sony DeutschlandSony UK, Sony FR, Sony Italy, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Spain.
Sony HVL-F43M TTL flash at BHphoto and Adorama.
Sony VFA-49R1 Filter Adapter for the for RX-100 & RX-100M2 & RX-1R at BHphoto and Adorama.
Sony AG-R1 Attachment Grip for RX-100 & RX-100M2 & RX-100M2 at BHphoto and Adorama.
Sony Premium Leather-Like Jacket Case for RX-100 & RX-100M2 at Adorama.

Both Zeiss Touit NEX lenses get tested on DxOmark.

DxOmark (Click here) just published the full Zeiss Touit lens tests. They write:

“The two new Touits from ZEISS live up to our expectations. On the Sony NEX-7, both lenses are very good indeed, excellent even, but the high price is likely to give potential purchasers pause for thought. “

The lenses are in Stock…
in USA at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
and in Europe at Amazon DE, Amazon UK, Wex Uk, Amazon FR.

Closer look on the RX1R and RX100R image quality. And full US, Canada, UK, and Europe pricing and preorder list.

noise performance graph by Techradar.


Finally we have pricing and preorders options for Canadians and Europeans too. Here is the updated preorder list:

RX1 at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, WexUK, Sonystore US, Sony Canada, Sony Deutschland, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony Italy, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Spain.

RX100MII at Amazon, BHphoto, Adorama, WexUK, Sonystore USSony Canada, Sony DeutschlandSony UK, Sony FR, Sony Italy, Sony Netherland, Sony Belgium, Sony Austria, Sony Sweden, Sony Finland, Sony Spain.

Sony HVL-F43M TTL flash at BHphoto and Adorama.
Sony VFA-49R1 Filter Adapter for the for RX-100 & RX-100M2 & RX-1R at BHphoto and Adorama.
Sony AG-R1 Attachment Grip for RX-100 & RX-100M2 & RX-100M2 at BHphoto and Adorama.
Sony Premium Leather-Like Jacket Case for RX-100 & RX-100M2 at Adorama.


Image quality:

Sony RX1:
It’s Dpreview (Click here) that gives us a good idea of how much sharpness you gain with the absence of the Anti Aliasing filter on the RX1R. They write:

“The RX1R does seem to offer a genuine (albeit not enormous) increase in resolution over the RX1.”

As you can see from their comparison you gain a little sharpness. Certainly not reason enough to switch to the RX1R if you already own the RX1.

Sony RX100MII:
Techradar (Click here) is the first website having published a full camera review. They write:

“We were excited to test out the Sony RX100 Mark II’s new backlit sensor, and both our labs results and real-world samples indicate that Sony has made some significant improvements to the performance of the sensor, making it an incredibly useful camera to use in low light.”

Imaging Resource: Example of RX100 (image here) vs RX100MII (image here).
Sample Gallery at Dpreview.
The RX100MII definitely shows a better image quality!

Sony Zeiss Planar T* 50mm F1.4 ZA SSM Review at Photographyblog.

Photographyblog (Click here) posted the full 50mm Zeis lens review and gets Highly Recommended:

“If you can afford it, the Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm F1.4 ZA SSM is a fantastic standard prime lens for Sony full-frame users, delivering imperious image quality with the minimum of fuss.”

The only listed “cons” is the high price. But if you wnat the best you can’t look at the price don’t you?

The Zeiss preorder are available at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here) and SonyStore USA (via AlphaCameraDeals). In Europe at Wex UK, Amazon DE and Technikdirekt DE.

Also ePhotozine Highly Recommends the Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens.


You wanna read one more time how near to perfection the new Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens is? Just click over on the latest ePhotozine review. You just have to read what they say in their “cons” list:

“No real issues to report”

That’s if folks!

Preorderes in USA at BHphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here) and in Germany at Foto Erhardt and Hifishop. More preorder links suggestions are welcome on the comment box!!! Thanks!

Some new image samples taken with the Zeiss 50mm f/1.4

Image courtesy: Videoacademy

It’s only a matter of a couple of weeks and finally the new Zeiss 50mm f/1.4 will be in Stock in worldwide stores. As I told you before the lens got a slight delay because the preorders were higher than expected. Some new image samples can be seen at Videoacademy. The Zeiss preorders can be taken at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here) and SonyStore USA (via AlphaCameraDeals). In Europe at Wex UK, Amazon DE and Technikdirekt DE.

Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 tested by Fstoppers, and they like it too :)

You will have a hard time finding any bad reviews of the new Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 lens. Today Fstoppers (Click here) posted the full Sigma review. And as so many reviewers before they write: “I tested the sharpness of this lens in a number of situations, and found it to be pretty consistent and sharp at all focal lengths and apertures.”  And on the creative side “I really loved the bokeh out of this lens. It’s smooth and fluid, and makes the shallow depth of field really beautiful. Thumbs up here.

They end the review by writing: “For Sigma’s first run at a previously never before seen lens concept, this is a rousing success.

Preorderes in USA at BHphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here) and in Germany at Foto Erhardt and Hifishop. Please let us know if you can find more pre order options. You can also add them directly at DealsRunner.com. By doing so they will be instantaneously be displayed on the SAR sidebar.

P.S.: In the almost impossible case you need to buy a SOny NEX and a Samsung tablet…you can get both as bundle with a $130 discount at Adorama (Click here).