SAR readers A7 and A7r test roundup (Chad, Mike, Pascal, Lawrence, Buzz, Sanji, Tobin, Paul, Michel, Alik).

Lawrence: “Some people are wondering how loud the shutter sound of the a7R actually is. I did a quick comparison between the a7R and some other cameras (M3, E-M5, OM-2)”

SAR editor’s note: All SAR reader are free to submit links or full articles to be posted on SAR. Just contact me at Thanks!

Pascal:my A7r finally arrived and what a machine it is ! It is the first camera I have owned (Nikon D800e included) that gives that elusive medium format look to photographs. I was expecting a lot from it but it delivers even more. What a fantastic machine. The more I use it, the more I love it !  If you’re interested, here’s my review (with more to follow) :

Chad:First paid work with the A7 at

Mike:Bokeh comparison: Sony A7, Nikkor 50mm 1.4D vs Fuji X-E1, Fuji FX 35mm 1.4:

Marcus: “I have added a Album to Facebook and uploaded some pictures in flickr from the A7.

Sanji:You posted a video unboxing I did of the Sony A7R. Well now I have a follow up in the form of a full blown review having purchased the camera. It’s done using a bunch of lenses – m-mount, zeiss, sigma, canon from 15mm to 300mm. It would be great if you could share this with your readers as I believe they will find it entertaining and very useful.
Sony A7r, Fuji X-E2, Panasonic GH3 – DOF and Noise comparisons (<a href=””>Soundimagesplus</a>).You don’t need to wait for FE lenses to have a good time with the A7R :)

Buzz:Confessions of a Camera Addict — How Sony Breaks My Bank:

Tobin:Hot on the heals of my riveting A7R shutter sound comparison video, here’s an in depth review of the A7R and various Leica R lenses, includes usability, size comparison etc.
Eddy: a number of people have been complaining about the battery life of the A7R. My experience is otherwise: last Saturday I went to the Zoo in Antwerp, to try the A7R. I had the 24mm f2 and 70-400 GII with me, including the LA-EA4, AF was used all the time. I had only one spare battery with me and changed this only when I was back at home. I had 777 images (RAW+JPEG) on my memory card… So this is about double of the ‘official’ battery life.
What might be the difference: I immediately put the camera in ‘airplane mode’, which cuts the WiFi and NFC. I know from my smart phone that  those options can draw a lot of energy. Also I put the ‘Auto Review’ to off. I guess these small tweaks can make a big difference.
I assume that the official battery life is measured with everything turned on. And that some people who are complaining, base their judgement on these official figures, not on real life tests like mine.
I’ve also put this info into this thread:

Paul:Just find some lightroom developed samples on web (In Chinese) text:
sample gallery:

Michel:I’ve shot a few pictures of some of my manual lenses on the Sony A7. I hope this gives an idea about the size of various combinations. Here is the album:

Alik:I’ve got some low light test shots of the Sony A7r. The high ISO performance is kind of mind blowing. In the next day or two I’ll also be doing a speed comparison video for the Metabones EF to E mount adapter. I hear it’s a littler slower. I’d like to see. I’ll let you know when that’s done. But check out my samples images. You can get full size original images by clicking them.


Specs and Preorders in US and Canada:
Dedicated Sony announcement page at Amazon US (Click here).
Sony A7r body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony RX10 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 24-70mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 35mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 55mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
70-200mm A-mount at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony A-Mount to E-Mount Lens Adapter at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
Sony A to E adapter with mirror at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
A7/A7r leather case at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
A7/A7r vertical grip at Amazon, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony W Series Battery Charger at Amazon, BHphoto.
Sony FA-CS1M Off-Camera Shoe at BHphoto.
Semi-Hard LCD Screen Protector for A7-A7r at Amazon, BHphoto.

Specs and Preorders in Europe:
Sony A7r body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PTWexUK, WexDE.
Sony A7 body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit Sony  DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony RX10 at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE.
Zeiss 35mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT,
Zeiss 55mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT
Zeiss 24-70mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, SE, PT
Sony G 28-70mm lens at Sony DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO.

A7r at Digitalrev.
A7 at Digitalrev, Amazon Cina.
A7 with 28-70mm lens at Digitalrev.

(part two) Sony A7-A7r legacy lens test (Helge, Eakchat, Bao, Xexets, Lupico, Martin).

This video was recorded using two Sony A7R in 1080p50 mode. Lenses used were the Zeiss FE 2.8/35 (long shot) and the Carl Zeiss Planar T* 1.4/85 for Contax (hand-held camera) – both used wide open. from Hacky on Vimeo.

This is the seocnd part of SAR readers “homemade” legacy lens test :) Feel free to share your reviews and tests by sending links at Thanks!



Helge posted the full test of the wide angle lenses that will work absolutely fine on the A7r at 3D-kraft (Click here). This includes the:
– [shoplink 10509 ebay]Tri Elmar 16-18-21mm (here on eBay)[/shoplink]
– [shoplink 21602 ebay]Voigtlander Ultron 21mm f/1.8 ASPH (here on eBay)[/shoplink]
SEL 10-18mm (here at Amazon)

Helge writes:

Those who asserted that the Sony A7R is not suited to be used in combination with Leica (and other range finder) wide angle M lenses propably arrived at a too vague conclusion. In fact it depends on the particular lens design. Lenses with an extremely compact and symmetric design may produce problems with color shift and edge smearing even on the sensor of the A7R with shifted microlenses whereas lenses with a more telecentric design like the Leica WATE perform perfectly fine without color shift and without edge smearing on the A7R.



Infinity: A7 + [shoplink 21794 ebay]35mm Summilux ASPH FLE (here on eBay)[/shoplink]:

Infinity: A7 + [shoplink 21797 ebay]35mm Biogon ZM (here on eBay)[/shoplink]:

Infinity: A7 + [shoplink 23171 ebay]Nikkor 35/1.4 AI-S (here on eBay)[/shoplink]:

Falloff: A7 + [shoplink 21794 ebay]35mm Summilux ASPH FLE (here on eBay)[/shoplink]:

Falloff: A7 + [shoplink 21797 ebay]35mm Biogon ZM (here on eBay)[/shoplink]:



BTW, I’ve updated the post to include 3 tests,
1. Infinity at night
2. Infinity at day
3. Close up on a white wall

The original post:

The direct link to orignal images of all three tests on flickr is:



Small nitty gritty test I did with A7R + [shoplink 21797 ebay]Zeiss biogon 35/2 ZM (here on eBay)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 12485 ebay]Planar 50/2 ZM (here on eBay)[/shoplink]



Super-Elmar 21 on the Sony A7 at



Sony Alpha7 with [shoplink 10220 ebay]Zeiss C Sonnar 50 1.5 ZM(here on eBay)[/shoplink]


Specs and Preorders in Europe:
Sony A7r body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PTWexUK, WexDE.
Sony A7 body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit Sony  DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony RX10 at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE.
Zeiss 35mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT,
Zeiss 55mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT
Zeiss 24-70mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, SE, PT
Sony G 28-70mm lens at Sony DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO.

Specs and Preorders in US and Canada:
Dedicated Sony announcement page at Amazon US (Click here).
Sony A7r body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony RX10 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 24-70mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 35mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 55mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
70-200mm A-mount at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony A-Mount to E-Mount Lens Adapter at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
Sony A to E adapter with mirror at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
A7/A7r leather case at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
A7/A7r vertical grip at Amazon, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony W Series Battery Charger at Amazon, BHphoto.
Sony FA-CS1M Off-Camera Shoe at BHphoto.
Semi-Hard LCD Screen Protector for A7-A7r at Amazon, BHphoto.

A7r at Digitalrev.
A7 at Digitalrev, Amazon Cina.
A7 with 28-70mm lens at Digitalrev.


Zeiss 55mm FE review at Photographyblog and great pictures at SLRclub. Shipment info updates (Canada gets them first).

The first 200 Zeiss 5mm FE lenses went on sale on December 4th in Korea. For some unknown reason Sony picked up Korea as the one country that ships the new stuff first. As I told you the lenses were sold out in 2 minutes. Before to switch over to two new lens reviews note that the lens is set to ship…

…on December 10 already at Sonystore Canada.
…on December 22 in US at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto and SonyStore US.
…on December 20 in [shoplink 23246 ebay]Japan (source eBay sellers)[/shoplink].
…and late January only in Europe according to Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT.

The new Zeiss FE reviews:

The Korean site SLRclub (Click here) posted the full lens review. As usual google translation tool doesn’t work but you can see plenty of great image samples and also many clear to understand tests like for example this one:

The tests show a top quality performance of the lens with the only visible limit the a bit high vignetting at wider aperture.

Photographyblog also posted the full Zeiss 55mm f/1.8 lens review and writes:

Offering fast and reliable auto-focusing, intuitive manual focusing and the usual Carl Zeiss levels of build quality that’s weather-tight too, this prime lens is a perfect partner to the flagship A7R camera, helping to extract bags of detail from its 36 megapixel full-frame sensor. Highly recommended if you’re about to invest in the fledgling 35mm full-frame E-mount system.

I have that lens already on my preorder list. But it’s pity we Europeans have to wait that much longer to get our lens :(

And here are again the preorder links:
USA/Canada: Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonyStore US and Sonystore Canada.
Europe: Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT

The best Sony QX100 video review (TheCameraStoreTV)

Chris Niccolls really explained in the best possible way the many flaws and very few positives of the Sony QX cameras. I think Sony should give him the 2014-2015 prototypes for testing so that Sony has time to adjust the flaws before they release them. So please Sony, send him the new A1, A79, A9, A77 and what else you have in your engineers office :)


Sony A7 gets DxOmarked and reviewed: has a + ½ stop advantage over the A99.

Bildschirmfoto 2013-12-05 um 18.42.05

So how does the A7 compare with the A99 and Nikon D610? DxO (Click here) writes:

Unsurprisingly perhaps, compared with the Nikon D610 and the firm’s SLT A99, both using a similar full-frame 24-Mpix CMOS sensor, the results are very close. Color depth between the three is similar and the A7 sits between the two with regard to the dynamic range, just +0.2 Ev separates the Nikon. However, it’s the low light performance that divides the two Sony models. While the A7 has a + ½ stop advantage over the SLT-based A99, the Nikon has a +1/3 stop over the A7, presumably on account of the latter model’s modified sensor.

And Photogrpaphyblog (Click here) posted the full A7 review:

After shooting with both the A7 and the A7R side-by-side, we’d be hard-pushed to choose between them, as both are remarkable cameras in their own right. On paper at least the A7 should offer faster auto-focusing and less noise at high ISOs than the A7R, but in reality there’s not a big enough difference between the two cameras in either regard. Instead we’d choose the A7 instead of the A7R because it’s significantly cheaper, it produces more manageable file sizes, has a higher flash sync speed, slightly faster burst shooting and a quieter shutter release.


Specs and Preorders in US and Canada:
Dedicated Sony announcement page at Amazon US (Click here).
Sony A7r body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony RX10 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 24-70mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 35mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 55mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
70-200mm A-mount at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony A-Mount to E-Mount Lens Adapter at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
Sony A to E adapter with mirror at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
A7/A7r leather case at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
A7/A7r vertical grip at Amazon, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony W Series Battery Charger at Amazon, BHphoto.
Sony FA-CS1M Off-Camera Shoe at BHphoto.
Semi-Hard LCD Screen Protector for A7-A7r at Amazon, BHphoto.

Specs and Preorders in Europe:
Sony A7r body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PTWexUK, WexDE.
Sony A7 body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit Sony  DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony RX10 at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE.
Zeiss 35mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT,
Zeiss 55mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT
Zeiss 24-70mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, SE, PT
Sony G 28-70mm lens at Sony DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO.

A7r at Digitalrev.
A7 at Digitalrev, Amazon Cina.
A7 with 28-70mm lens at Digitalrev.

Sony A7r and A7 reviews roundup

DigitalCameraWorld posted the full A7-A7r review and says:

We had very high hopes for Sony’s innovative mirror less full-frame camera, and, for the most part, we haven’t been disappointed. Images are superb, with excellent colours and great detail reproduction – the A7R particularly of course.

Sony A7r is the camera of the year at Soundimagesplus:

It’s the best image quality I’ve ever used and it gives me the closest representation of how I see the world in my photographs. And I don’t have to put in lots of Photoshop hours to achieve that. The Sony engineers could have bespoke designed this cameras output for me, it’s just what I wanted.

There is also a new review at Tobinators:
Nikon Df vs Sony A7 – Zero Noise Reduction and Low Light (Steve Huff).
A7r, the first hour (Outbackphoto).
Sony A7r prueba de campo at Quesabesde.
Reminder: Full interactive documentation available for download (Sony US).


Specs and Preorders in US and Canada:
Dedicated Sony announcement page at Amazon US (Click here).
Sony A7r body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony RX10 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 24-70mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 35mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Zeiss 55mm at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
70-200mm A-mount at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony A-Mount to E-Mount Lens Adapter at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
Sony A to E adapter with mirror at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto.
A7/A7r leather case at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
A7/A7r vertical grip at Amazon, BHphoto, SonystoreUS.
Sony W Series Battery Charger at Amazon, BHphoto.
Sony FA-CS1M Off-Camera Shoe at BHphoto.
Semi-Hard LCD Screen Protector for A7-A7r at Amazon, BHphoto.

Specs and Preorders in Europe:
Sony A7r body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PTWexUK, WexDE.
Sony A7 body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit Sony  DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony RX10 at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE.
Zeiss 35mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT,
Zeiss 55mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT
Zeiss 24-70mm at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, SE, PT
Sony G 28-70mm lens at Sony DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO.

A7r at Digitalrev.
A7 at Digitalrev, Amazon Cina.
A7 with 28-70mm lens at Digitalrev.

Sony A7r finally in Stock at Adorama, Samys and eBay! PB says it’s a radical change in photography!

[shoplink 23193 ebay][/shoplink]

The Sony A7r is in Stock at Adorama (Click here) and on [shoplink 23193 ebay]eBay via Samys (Click here)[/shoplink] and at Samys itself (Click here). And SAR readers told me that also their A7r preorder at Amazon US is shipping! And for the first time Amazon itself has the A7 and A7kit in Stock (Click here).

If you are still not sure if you should buy the A7r or not check out Photographyblog’s new review (Click here)

Sony have seemingly been on a mission in the last few years to really change photography, first with the innovative NEX series, then the full-frame RX1/R compacts, and now the A7R and A7 full-frame mirrorless cameras (not to mention the RX100 premium compact and the recent RX10 super-zoom). The Sony A7R is the most radical of them all, the best realised, and fully deserving of our coveted Essential! award.

I say…get it :)

Many new Rokinon deals:
1) Gold Box deal on the Rokinon 14mm T3.1 E-mount lens at Amazon (Click here).
2) Rokinon 14mm F2.8 (A or E-mount) for $319 at [shoplink 23186 ebay]BuyDig (Click here)[/shoplink].
3) Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 Fisheye (A or E-mount) for $349 at [shoplink 223187 ebay]BigValue (Click here)[/shoplink].