The “unscientific” A7s test roundup…

NAB 2014 Sony A7S ‘NORMAL PAN SPEED” Rolling Shutter Test

Here are a couple of non scientific tests made with the A7s. The video on top has been taken by Andrew Wonder and shows you the A7s Jello effect. As all video makers know this is an effect that every CMOS camera has and the A/s will make no exception. It’s also obvious that no one will ever shoot a video with the A7s shaking the camera like that :)

The A7s crazy ISO capability is pushing a couple of sites/people to post some unscientific ISO test. Photographybay posted the ISO comparison image you see here on top but admits for himself:

I missed focus on a couple of the shots and this is a terrible lighting scenario, but the A7S shows a lot of promise for low light and high ISO work. This is also probably a preproduction camera, so the results should not be taken as what the final production model is capable of delivering.

OneLoneDork posted a short completely ISO impression test on Youtube.

A7s Preorder or pure notification store links:
USA: Sony USAmazon and BHphoto.
Europe:  Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL.
Asia: Digitalrev

First full size image samples with the Sony 50MP MF sensor of the Pentax.

I guess many of you will be curious what you can achieve with a camera having a Sony 50 Megapixel 44x33mm medium format sensor. These are the first full size image samples taken with the Pentax 645Z. Specs and preorders can be read/taken at BHphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here).

Full Size (ISO 200):
Full Size (ISO 200):
Full Size (ISO 400):
Full Size (ISO 400):
Full Size (ISO 1600):
Full Size (ISO 600):
Full Size (ISO 800):
Full Size (ISO 6400):

Great detail! Although it’s hard to judge how much more quality you get compared with a Sony A7r.

First image samples of the new Samyang 12mm lens on the Sony NEX-5n

Darkshape (Click here) posted the very first image samples taken with the new Samyang 12mm lens on the Sony NEX-5n. This are his findings about the new lens:

“The lens has a remarkable resolution. It is sharp at f/2.0, at f/8 it is razor sharp. It is sharper than my Tokina 12-24 I have been which is a pretty damn sharp lens. Like the Tokina (or even more than the Tokina) it has considerable colour aberration around the edges – however I didn’t have any trouble correcting it with a few clicks in the ACR.”

Here are newly announced Samyang lens specs and preorder option links at BHphoto:
8mm f/2.8 UMC Fish-Eye as Sony E mount (Click here).
10mm f/2.8 ED AS NCS CS lens as Sony E mount (Click here) and as Sony A mount (Click here).
12mm f/2.0 NCS CS lens as Sony E mount (Click here).
8mm T3.1 Cine UMC Fish-Eye II lens as Sony E mount (Click here).
24mm f/1.4 ED AS IF UMC lens as Sony E-mount (Click here).
35mm f/1.4 AS UMC lens as Sony E-mount (Click here)

New official Sony A7s Low Light test: Now you can record what couldn’t be recorded before!

The video on top has just been posted on Sony’s Youtube channel. And I bet that after you saw this you will shout…WOW!!! Now you can take images where you couldn’t record them before! I think the A7s (now listed at Amazon) could become a new sort of drug. Once you take it you will never get back. The High ISO performance of the camera not only allows you to see where you didn’t se before. You can also have very short shutter timing at medium low light conditions (and that’s probably the biggest plus for photographers).

Damn, now I want to get the A7s too! Sony, if you read me…can you send me one for free? :)

Note: In Switzerland ( you can preorder the A7s for a much lower price than the one published by WexUK (Click here). The A7s is listed at Amazon (Click here), Digitalrev (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here) but with no price or preorder option.

A7s sites in different languages at Sony US, DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL.

Amazing Sony A7s Low Light test video!

Den Lennie just updated his A7s post by including an amazing A7s High ISO test (Click here and scroll down to see the video). The screenshot on top shows you the noise at crazy 409,600 ISO. This is really a complete DARK(!) room with no light. And the video you will see that actually up to 102,400 ISO noise is acceptable!

And here is the image at ISO 6400. As you see there is no light in the room at all!

A7s sites in different languages at Sony US, DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL.

Good news: Sigma ART is (almost) as good as the Zeiss! And Zeiss 85mm f/1.4 release confirmed.

After publishing the 50mm f/1.4 ART review (read here) SLRgear also published the Zeiss Otus 55mm f/1.4 test (read here). The good news is that you don’t have to spend $4,000 to get a terrific lens because the Sigma turns out to be 95% as good as the Otus! SLRgear writes:

While the Zeiss does show better performance in the corners at ƒ/1.4 on a full-frame camera, the other optical performance characteristics are pretty evenly matched.

Now we have to see how much the Sigma 50mm A-mount lens will cost. let’s hope it’s just a tiny bit under $1,000!

More news: Zeiss confirmed the release of the 85mm f/1.4 Otus lens (Source: MirrorlessRumors).

DxO tests the A6000 and calls it “Little wonder”. Ships tomorrow in USA!

DxOmark (Click here) just published the A6000 sensor test results. As you know the A6000 has phase detection pixel across the full sensor but despite that it manages to match the best APS-C sensor on market to date. So you have both, top image quality and top autofocus performance on a small mirrorless camera. can’t get any better than this! Oh yes it can….the camera will ship tomorrow in USA :)

This is what DxO writes about the A6000:

Based on sensor performance alone, at $649 (body only) the A6000 appears to be excellent value for money. And while we’ve yet to assess image quality with native mount lenses, the Sony A6000 certainly looks like a promising addition to the range.

Sony A6000 store link list with US and Europe links:
Sony A6000 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonyStore. In Europe at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, AT, NL, BE, CH, FI, SE, PT, WexUK.
Silver A6000 at Amazon US, BHphoto, WexUK.
Sony A6000 with lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonyStore, Sony Canada, WexUK.
Silver A6000 with lens at Amazon US, BHphoto, WexUK.
Sony 70-200mm FE at Amazon, BHphoto, SonyStore. In Europe at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, AT, NL, BE, CH, FI, SE, PT

More A6000 tests:

a6000 outguns a99 in burst shooting

Sony A6000 image samples at Imaging Resource. AF test with A6000 with FE 55mm f1.8 by Josselin Cornou on Youtube.

SAR reader Michael and Joseelin sent me the links to some A6000 video tests:
Just been surfing and found some new a6000 youtube videos that you – and your readers – might like to see. First one – sadly – shows that the a6000 struggles somewhat in low light and there are other videos out there to suggest the same: the a6000 is not quite on par with the fastest micro 4/3s from Panasonic (probably it´s another story in good light). Anyway, it´s not slow either. Video 1:
or, maybe, as indicated in this first australian review from The Australian (newspaper), it simply has a focusing problem when you go rapidly from near to far and vice versa (he wrote a piece on it as well in his written review, you can find it on the web). Video 2:
and finally a good test with fast moving object approaching the camera: 5-6 missed shots out of more than 20 – that´s not bad. And as other reviews has underlined it seems that the a6000 is very good at getting focus back after losing is. And video just seems great. Video 3
and a pretty impressive low light video (notice that af doesn´t even get distracted when people passes in front of the lens). Video 4: