Sony A77II test roundup!

Detailed hands on with the Sony A77 II by Sony


Here are a couple of A77II test links I got from SAR readers (Thank You All!).

A77II quick review by Yannick Ciancanelli.

ISO test images and RAW files at

Vishal:I received my A77II and have been taking plenty of photos with it. I’m aware there are not that many shots taken with the camera online as of yet, so I would like to point SAR readers to my Flickr page, which showcases some of the images I’ve taken with my Zeiss 16-80mm F3.5-4.5 (SAL1680Z). I’ve organised the photos in a folder named “Sony A77II” to make things easier. The images were shot in Raw and converted to jpeg using the latest version of Sony’s Image Data Converter. You can find the images here.

Andreas:I’ve found a way to convince Photoshop CS5 to process Sony α77 II (ILCA-77M2) raw files, which might be interesting for other fellow Sony users: However I have no idea if I am the only one where this “hack” works, or if it works for other people as well.

Sony a7s a77ii launching show film from GFILM on Vimeo.

Sony A77II specs, preorders and shipment date:
Sony A77 body in USA at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Sony Store (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Sony A77 with 16-50mm lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Sony Store (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Sony A77 body in Europe at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony IT, ES, NL, BE, AT, CH, PT, NO, SE, FI and Wex UK.
Sony A77 in Asia at Digitalrev and Sony Australia.

Sony A6000 reviews roundup!

Time to catch up with some tests about the newest Sony APS-C E-mount camera, the A6000! And as you know the lens got a $50 off in USA which makes it even more interesting (see at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonyStore).

LensVid posted that video review of the A6000 with the Nanoha 5X Lens Review. A great Introduction to Super Macro Photography!
Gary Fong is going to B&H in NYC (Click here to read more about the event).
Sony A6000: Sensor Quality at ISO 100 (Diglloyd).
Sony Cybershot DSC-RX100 M3 : real world sample images (Dpreview).
The Sony A6000 Digital Camera Review. Sony steps it up again! by Steve Huff.
Sony A6000 Shooter’s Report Part II: Focusing on a world in motion (Imaging Resource).
Sony A6000 Digital Camera Review at Cameras.Reviewed.
Sony a6000 and Sony Zeiss Sonnar T* FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA Lens – The best of Sony (Soundimagesplus).
Sony a6000 – The Positives (Soundimagesplus).
Alpha Dog: How Sony Created the Most Innovative Camera Brand in Under a Decade (PetaPixel).
Sigma 50mm F1.4 ART Review (on Canon) at Willchaophotography.
Sony a6000 vs Panasonic GX7 Video Quality test by Sebastian Castilho on Vimeo.
A6000 vs. A7(R) at Beforethecoffea.

Jimmy:I’m a daily reader and have just posted a video review of the A6000 on youtube!

Sony A6000 store link list:
Sony A6000 at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonyStore. In Europe at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, AT, NL, BE, CH, FI, SE, PT, WexUK.
Silver A6000 at Amazon US, BHphoto, WexUK.
Sony A6000 with lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonyStore, Sony Canada, WexUK.
Silver A6000 with lens at Amazon US, BHphoto, WexUK.
Sony 70-200mm FE at Amazon, BHphoto, SonyStore. In Europe at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, AT, NL, BE, CH, FI, SE, PT

Kai from Digitalrev still doesn’t like Sony SLT (A77II video review).

As you know Kai from Digitalrev doesn’t really like the Sony SLT cameras (he likes the A7 series much more). And this is his take on the new A77II. As usual take it with a bit of fun and not too seriously :)

Sony A77II specs, preorders and shipment date:
Sony A77 body in USA at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Sony Store (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Sony A77 with 16-50mm lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Sony Store (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Sony A77 body in Europe at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony IT, ES, NL, BE, AT, CH, PT, NO, SE, FI and Wex UK.
Sony A77 in Asia at Digitalrev and Sony Australia.

Short shipment delay of the new Speemaster 50mm f/0.95 FE lens. And new review!

[shoplink 26501 ebay][/shoplink]

The amount of preorder of the new [shoplink 26501 ebay]Speedmaster 50mm f/0.95 Full Frame E-mount lens[/shoplink] was much bigger than expected. Therefore shipment will start on June 18 and not the first week of June. Also the name of the lens chanced from Mitakon Speedmaster to ZY Optics Speedmaster. And the producer website changed too in

You can preorder the lens at [shoplink 26501 ebay]eBay Hong Kong (free worldwide shipment)[/shoplink]. It’s also sold via [shoplink 26982 ebay]MXcamera Europe eBays tore (Click here)[/shoplink].

There is also a new review from Yannick Ciancianelli:

The lens is, as expected, rather soft wide-open. But I have to say that I find the result very pleasing and I must admit that it is my favorite aperture on the lens. The 0.95 resulting images are so milky silky smooth. It’s like an almost 100% bokeh picture. Yeah, it’s like…chocolate mousse! Mmmmh.

Next Sony A7-A7r test roundup…(with Iceland winter test, FE and Leica lens reviews and more)

Venetian Carnival & Fire Show, Hamburg 2014 (FullHD wide screen) from Hacky on Vimeo.

Time to catch up with Sony A7 and A7r and FE lens test submitted to me by SAR readers (Thanks!). Here they are:

Venetian Carnival And Spectacular Fire Show & Venetian Masked Ball filmed with Anamorphot 1.33x on Zeiss FE 1.8/55 and HyperPrime CINE 35mm T0.95 on Sony A7R:
Winter In Iceland With The Sony a7R (PDF file)
Soma magazine: first editorial: shooting for print with the Sony A7r: field report, part two. (Mike Kobal).
Sony A7r and 28-70mm on the streets (Soundimagesplus).
Review of the Zeiss 24-70 at Fratkinphoto.
Review of the A7r at Ohm-Image.
70-200mm FE lens test at SLRclub.
Eric Lafforgue has tried his hand with the A7 (Flickr).
A7r review at Crispyscapes.
Zeiss 24-70mm FE lens test at Bestmirrorlesscamerareviews.
ISO quality comparison between the 7r, a99, and NEX-7 at Davetameling.
A7 review at Jimmartinphotoblog.

DearSusans A7r tests:
Sony – Zeiss T* Sonnar FE 55mm f/1.8 ZA (by Philip Partridge):
Leica-R Elmarit 19/2.8 :
Leica-M 135/3.4 :
Leica-R Summicron 50/2 :
Leica-R 60/2.8 :
Sony A7r page :

Dave:I finally picked up an a7r and I’m blogging my way through my experience as compared to my a99, NEX-7 and NEX-5R. I have over a dozen old manual focus lenses which will be tested throughout the process. My first look after a couple of weeks of use is a bit behind the times but I couldn’t score a loan from the local rep so I had to wait until I could buy one for myself. The next test is a straight up comparison with the a99 to determine wether or not I keep it or pass the a99 on to somebody else while it’s still worth something.

Luis:He publicado dos entradas que quizas os interesen, una es una review del Leica summilux 50mm pre-asph en la Sony A7 y la otra es el adaptador King con AF para lentes canon en cuerpos con montura Nex:

Michael: “Linked is a travel report from a trip I recently did together with the A7R. Maybe you find it interesting enough to publish it on your page.  You can find it in English: or German:

Bart:Michael Frye switched to Sony a7r!!! You should post it immediately.First league photogs are into the Sony world now :-)

Jul:Take a look: I shot this time lapse on the night of the 14th as there was the full moon eclipse in San Francisco. I originally planned for the Golden Gate but too much fog came in so had to move North to Tiburon and then San Rafael where I was able to capture the moon going from red (orange) back to bright yellow. This was shot with A7r, and combination of the FE55, FE35 and 10-18mm APSC zoom lens. Time Lapse was made from 1,500 raw shots, processed in LR and video put together in Premiere CC.

Javier:Hola te adjunto este video test con sony A7+ziss55mmF1.8 a 4000 ISO en Semana Santa Spain.

Specs and Store Links in US and Canada:
Sony A7r body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 body at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit lens at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, SonystoreUS. TheCameraStore Canada.

Specs and Store Links in Europe:
Sony A7r body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE.
Sony A7 body at Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.
Sony A7 with 28-70mm kit Sony DE, UK, FR, IT, ES, NL, BE, CH, AT, SE, FI, NO, PT, WexUK, WexDE, Amazon UK, Amazon DE, Amazon FR.

A7r at Digitalrev.
A7 at Digitalrev, Amazon Cina.
A7 with 28-70mm lens at Digitalrev.

RX100M3 review by TheCameraStoreTV: “This is the one to buy!”

Chris and Jordan form TheCameraStoreTV tested the new RX100M3 and they have little to complain about that new masterpiece from Sony. This is again a great new RX camera from Sony!

The camera will ship on June 20 according to Amazon US (Click here).

A7s and RX100M3 Preorders:
Sony A7s preorder in USA/CA at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here), Sony (Click here), Sony Canada.
RX100M3 preorders in USA at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), BHphoto (Click here), Sony (Click here).
RX100M3 preorders in Eu at Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PT.
RX100M3 in Asia at Amazon Japan and Sony Australia.
Sony A7s EU pages (no preorder yet): Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, SE, FI, PL.

A77II gets DxOmarked. Closes the gap vs non-SLT Sony sensor cameras (Nikon D7100 and Pentax K-3)

We saw it in the past that the semitransparent mirror did come to a small cost. The A77 and the A99 didn’t manage to match the performance of the other cameras with Sony sensor (although the difference was really minimal). But this seems to have changed. Today DxOmark (Click here) posted the A77II sensor test. The new camera performs four point better than the predecessor and now matches the best APS-C camera int he class, the Sony powered Nikon D7100 and Pentax K-3.

DxO writes:

The slight gains in sensor performance over its predecessor are welcome and place the A77 II on a level with rivals. Whether it’s enough to counter as yet unannounced models from Nikon and Canon, however, only time will tell.

And only Photokina will tell us if the next Full Frame A-mount cameras will have a “flipable” mirror to squeeze out the latest tiny bit of image quality from the class leading Sony sensors!

Sony A77II specs, preorders and shipment date:
Sony A77 body in USA at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Sony Store (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Sony A77 with 16-50mm lens at Amazon (Click here), Adorama (Click here), Sony Store (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here).
Sony A77 body in Europe at Sony Germany, Sony UK, Sony France, Sony IT, ES, NL, BE, AT, CH, PT, NO, SE, FI and Wex UK.
Sony A77 in Asia at Digitalrev and Sony Australia.