World’s fastest lens for Sony E-mount gets tested at Ibelux 40mm f/0.85.

If speed is what you are looking for and money stagnates in mas son your bank account than you will certainly be interested in getting the new Ibelux 40mm f/0.85 APS-C E-mount lens. It’s the fastest native E-mount lens and as some said here on SAR this lens may be able to shoot ghosts at night :)

The lens is now in Stock at Adorama (Click here) and BHphoto (Click here). And will ship soon in Germany too at Technikdirekt.

And finally we have a first review of the lens posted by (google translation here). They tested the X-mount version but results will be exactly the same on the E-mount version. This is what they say about the lens:

– lens quality is very high (made of metal and nice glossy painted black).
– smooth focus ring and very accurate. A bit weak click when using the aperture ring (sometimes you may don’t notice it and rotate further).
– sharpness is decent wide open and improves dramatically at f/2.8 towards.
– There is some fringe at wide aperture
– It has a “gentle” blur
– no major ghost or flare issue

Sounds good….but the price :(

DxOmark sensor battle: Nikon squeezes out a marginal bit more of image quality from the Sony 36MP sensor.

DxOmark (Click here) tested the new Nikon D810 camera (specs and price here at Amazon). It’s 99,9999% likely the Nikon uses the same Sony A7r sensor but Nikon managed to squeeze out a tiny bit more performance. Therefore the new Full Frame leader is the D810 (at least based on DxO parameters).

The new Sony A99II could use the same 36MP sensor and we will see if Sony can beat the Nikon…

New Sigma 50mm ART lens review by Kai and CameraLabs.

One of the most amazing lenses you can get for your Sony A-mount (or E-mount via adapter) is certainly the 50mm f/1.4 Sigma ART lens. The lens now got reviewed by Kai from Digitalrev (video on top) and by Gordon from Cameralabs who writes:

The new Sigma 50mm f1.4 ART is a truly excellent lens which comfortably out-performs anything costing even twice the price. It sets a new standard for 50mm lenses and easily earns our Highly Recommended award.

The A-mount lens can be preordered in USA Amazon (Click here) at BHphoto (Click here) and Adorama (Click here). And in Europe at WexUK (Click here) and WexDe (Click here).


New Sony A7s reviews: You knew A7s Dynamic range is damn close to the $40,000 Arri Amira?

Image courtesy: Cinema5D

Cinema5D (Click here) posted a full A7s dynamic range test (in video):

Here we tested usable dynamic range of the given cameras. With 14.1 stops the usable dynamic range of the A7S comes surprisingly close to the Arri Amira with its legendary Alexa sensor (see our full review here).
This is an extremely good dynamic range rating and is fascinating considering that the A7S is available at a fraction of the Amira’s price and is also in a completely different weight and size class. While the Amira will outperform the A7S in other tests, the dynamic range is a very important attribute to consider when working with a camera.

Gizmodo posted the full A7s review and writes:

The A7s is a great demonstration of technology powerful enough to make you forget about its flaws. The Panasonic GH4 has more tools, more options, more usability—with 4K built right in, and to spectacular effect. But the micro four thirds sensor of the GH4 offers its own compromises: low light is not very good, shallow depth of field is constrained, as is field of view. But here’s the real kicker. The A7s will literally increase the possible scenarios in which you can get a good shot, by way of low light performance. No amount of 4K, 8K, or how ever many K can accomplish that.

More A7s tests:
Professional photographer/videographer sold his canon 1dc and purchased Sony a7s’s Matt Buckman’s Review of the Sony a7s:
A7s test at
Fotopolis (translation here).
A7s review at DigitalCameraWorld.
Eric Lo:I just came back from a long road trip and finished photo editing, all photos were taken with A7S(night), A7R(day) and Canon lenses (14L2, 15 Fisheye, 17TSE, 2470L2).

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s preorder in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s EU pages: Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.

New Sony A7s test roundup!

Good news! Super 35mm mode on Sony A7S dramatically reduces rolling shutter

Techradar posted the full A7s review and writes:

Well, it’s an excellent camera, but still it’s one that has limited appeal. The average enthusiast is usually less concerned about low light performance and high sensitivity settings than pros who have to shoot in gloomy conditions. A professional wedding photographer, for example, might like it for its low light capability when shooting in churches and candle-lit receptions, but they are also likely to carry an A7 to enable them to take larger images (and therefore sell more expensive large prints) when shooting outdoors.

Why the Sony A7s Is Great for Street Photography (ThePhoBlographer).
A7s review at Pantip.
Sony A7s vs Sony A7R: ISO and Noise (Diglloyd).
Japanese A7s test at Ascii.

Sean:Recently we are using Sony camera and we have lots of samples that working with SonyKorea. In particular lately I want to introduce a new project with ‘Sony a7s’. If your curious about the project click the link!

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s preorder in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s EU pages: Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.


New A7s reviews. Behiri: “say goodbye to the Mark III”.

Sleep, eat, taste wine and relax! – Shot on a Sony A7s from Johnnie Behiri on Vimeo.

BBC cameraman Johnni Behiri posted his A7s review at Cinema5D (video on top). He writes:

The direct competitor to this camera is naturally the Canon 5D Mark III. Personally, I think it is time to move on and say goodbye to the Mark III. You now have an amazingly sharp looking video camera that records in a new robust codec (XAVC S), very small with a build in great OLED EVF and last but not least, also a lowlight king. I also have to had that the audio recorded directly to the A7s is much better then the one recorded on the Mark III because of better internal preamps. All in all, if you are looking for a working tool that is small enough to look “un-professional” yet one that records great looking video footage at a price which is not modest but affordable, look no further. The Sony A7s is your best friend.

Steve Huff also posted his full A7s review and writes:

For me, this is the camera to beat for 2014. So far, my pick for camera of the year. For me, if I add in the Voigtlander 15, Voigtlander 35 1.2 and the Sony 55 1.8 and I have a camera and lens combo that can do just about anything I ask of it, for my needs.

Sony A7s sample gallery at Imaging Resource. A7s rolling shutter test at Iso1200. Toma de contacto at DSLRmagazine (google translation here). Very positive German A7s review at

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s preorder in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s EU pages: Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.