New Zeiss 16-35mm review at Techbang.

The first review of the new 16-35mm FE Zeiss has been published at Techbang (google tranlsation here). While the automated google translation makes a bit of mess on the text it’s still good to check out the site to see the many full size image samples! And there is also that comparison with the Canon 16-35mm f/4.0 L lens (Click on image to enlarge):

These are the conclusions from the reviewer:
– He liked the compact size and material quality
– Image quality is very high
– Good distortion suppression
– Slow focusing speed on the A7
– Higher price compared to the Canon 16-35mm f/4.0 (but the Zeiss is better)

Zeiss FE 16-35mm preorder links:
Zeiss 16-35mm FE at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony Store US.
Zeiss 16-35mm FE in Europe at Sony DE, UK, ES, IT, FR, CH, AT, NL, BE, FI, SE, NO, PT.

An unusual comparison: Zeiss Otus 85mm Vs. Sony RX100

SAR reader Mike made that unusual comparison between the A7r with Otus lens and the first generation RX100 compact camera. And at the end the difference between the two are surprisingly small:

What I find astonishing is how little difference there is between the two, considering the vast difference in size, weight, sensors and price. Sure, the A7R/Otus combination wins, but not by that much. Besides, it bloody well better win! It’s up against a two-year-old pocket camera that weighs and costs a small fraction as much.

Full article can be read at

Dierk Topp Otus 85mm review: “The Sony A7R is the best camera for the OTUS today!”

Zeiss OTUS 1.4/85 on Sony A7R with Metabones Mark IV

Otus 85mm Preorders:
BHphoto with Nikon mount (Click here) or Canon mount (Click here) version.
Adorama with Nikon mount (Click here) or Canon mount (Click here) version.
In Australia at CameraPro.

This is a guest post by SAR reader Dierk Topp. If you want to write an article for SAR just contact me (Andrea) at Thanks!

Since last Friday I am a lucky owner of the new Zeiss OTUS 1.4/85mm with EF mount, a real production model. To make sure to get the lens asap, I called Zeiss right after announcement and asked them for dealers, who get early and more lenses than others :-)
Useless to repeat all the praise and details of the lens, we could read here on SAR, at MingThein, Lloyd Chambers and many others more during the last weeks. If you are interested in such a lens, you will already know:
– it is huge (you need a sherpa -:)
– it is perfect (sharp, contrast, no CA, no flare…)
– and it is “not cheap”

You get, what you pay for. A few weeks ago you could not get even such a lens, even if you would like to pay more!

Read more

New SLR Magic Apo-HyperPrime CINE 50mm T2.1 tested on the A7s.

SLR Magic Apo-HyperPrime CINE 50mm T2.1 – short review
from Hacky on Vimeo.

3D-Kraft (Click here) tested the new SLR Magic Apo-HyperPrime CINE 50mm T/2.1 lens on the A7s. This is a PL mount lens but of very high interest for all Cine shooters looking for a cheaper alternative of the otherwise very expensive Zeiss or Schneider lenses. 3D-Kraft writes:

The first member of a new Apo-HyperPrime CINE lens family provides optical performance close to the stellar ZEISS FE Sonnar 1.8/55 with better apochromatic correction. The housing, focus and aperture operation are highly optimized for video applications. The aperture blades can be stopped down keeping out-of-focus highlights still nicely round (see the the starting image of the video as an example – it was shot with a second Apo HyperPrime CINE 50/T2.1 at T2.8). This lens is ready for 6K!

Sony A7s store links:
Sony A7s in USA/CA at Amazon, Adorama, BHphoto, Sony USA, Sony Canada.
Sony A7s in Eu at Sony DE, UK, ES, FR, IT, NL, BE, AT, CH, SE, NO, FI, PL. And Wex UK.
A7s Gariz leather case in [shoplink 27569 ebay]Black (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27570 ebay]Brown (Click here)[/shoplink], [shoplink 27571 ebay]Red (Click here)[/shoplink] and [shoplink 27572 ebay]Orange (Click here)[/shoplink].

Good news: Loxia 35mm is “distinctly and visibly better” than the ZM version!

On left the Loxia 35mm corner at f/2.0. On right the [shoplink 9808 ebay]ZM[/shoplink] at f/2.0 (Image 3D-Kraft)

As you know the new Zeiss Loxia FE lenses are based on the current [shoplink 9808 ebay]Zeiss ZM lens design[/shoplink]. There were some worries that the new Loxia may be just the same ZM lenses with an E as mount. Well 3D-Kraft compared the new Loxia 35mm lenses with the “older” [shoplink 9808 ebay]ZM 35mm lens[/shoplink]. And as you see form the images on top there is a clear optical advantage on the Loxia. 3D-Kraft writes:

Although the Zeiss Loxia 2/35 uses a similiar (and proven) lens design like the ZM Biogon 2/35 (designed for range finder cameras), it is distinctly and visibly better optimized to requirements of the Sony digital A7 / A7R sensors.

Zeiss Loxia preorders:
Zeiss Loxia 50mm f/2 Planar T* Lens for Sony E Mount at BHphoto, Adorama., WexUK, CameraPro.
Zeiss Loxia 35mm f/2 Biogon T* Lens for Sony E Mount at BHphoto, Adorama, WexUK, CameraPro.
Zeiss Lens Hood for Loxia 50mm f/2 Planar T* Lens at BHphoto and Adorama.
Zeiss Lens Hood for Loxia 35mm f/2 Biogon T* Lens at BHphoto and Adorama.
Zeiss 52mm Front Lens Cap for Touit and Loxia Lenses at BHphoto and Adorama.
Zeiss De-Click Key for Loxia Lenses (5-Piece Set) at BHphoto and Adorama.
Zeiss Rear Lens Cap for Loxia E-Mount Lenses at BHphoto and Adorama.

New Voigtlander 15mm lens tested on the A7 (by Ingo Schäder).

Image courtesy: ePhotozine.

The following text is from Ingo Schäder (Thanks!:

Yesterday I tested the NEW Voigtlaender 15mm M-Mount on the Sony A7 yesterday and … it is awesome on the A7 !!! In this link you have a lot of test pictures (from the booth) you can post along with my findings if you want.

Right now I use an Sony A7 and an A6000 with various manuell lenses (and some Sony lenses) and I´m kind of happy with everything…Except for the fact that there is (was !) no small “rangefinder like” ultra-wide angle available for the A7/A7r series which works well…Yesterday I visited Photokina in Cologne (1 hour drive from where I live) and had the chance to check out the new Voigtlaender 15mm for M-Mount II !! I was really happy that I had my A7 and my Leica M to NEX with me when I heard that I could use it on my own camera and take pictures with it J (Delivery should start in February 2015!!!)So, I thought I would give my findings to you and all lovers of the A7 series. Summary:
I could see no or maybe a REALLY small amount of color cast in the corners ! (maybe it was only a tiny bit of vignette?)
I could see no or maybe a REALLY tiny bit of vignette !
The sharpness is nice and NOT much mush in the corners !

I sold my 15mm M39 only 1 week before so I can tell you, that the differences are HUGE ! I will preorder it for my A7 the day it becomes available ! (depending on the price of course) No word on the price so far, but I´m really looking forward to February 2015 and not only because I have my birthday there… ;-)
Thx everyone and good night.

Best regards,
Ingo Schäder

Translated from the german specs sheet :
Super Wide Heliar 15mm F4,5 VM II aspherical
Here we proudly present a completly new ultra wide angle lens :
Current high resolution digitalcameras are demanding and so they often need a new lens construction to satisfy those megapixels in regard to sharpness, detail, colour and so on.
A lot less colour-shift in the corners even (when combined with really high resolution)
and better contrast, especially when using the widest aperture, are the main differences between the current and the NEW Heliar 15mm.
The NEW 15mm Heliar consists of 11 elements in nine groups.

85mm battle on the A7s: Otis vs Nikon vs Canon lenses (by Cinoflex).

Note: The following is a review from Cinoflex (  and Facebook) and T M Camera Solutions. And it has been first published on SAR. Images copyright from Cinoflex (please do not reause them without permission).

Cinoflex tested three 85mm lenses on the Sony A7s.

Cameras and Lenses used:
Sony A7s (here on [shopcountry 29368])
Cinoflex Camera
Zeiss Otus 85mm (here on Adorama, BHphoto, CameraPro.)
Nikkor AIS 85mm (here on [shoplink 29369 ebay]eBay[/shoplink])
Canon FD 85mm (here on [shoplink 29370 ebay]eBay[/shoplink])

Here is a first comparison showing the performance at full aperture (Click on image to enlarge).

Here is the reviewers text:

This lens really is as good or better than you have heard. The technical aspects live up to all the specifications and quality touted, but the real impressive element is the pure characteristic and personality.
The fall-off is truly magnificent. Just a beautiful immediacy to the range and fall-off when shooting at T1.4, sharp images in focus, and very gentle images out of focus.
The Otus 85mm T1.4 is built to a supreme standard, and you can feel that throughout each contour of the barrel, the elements, and the highly precise mechanics.
The most astonishingly, and obvious factor for the Otus vs. the Nikkor AIS and Canon FD “L” – 85mm – lenses, is the CLARITY. The Otus 85mm is so clear and precise. The glass really blooms under bad conditions. The reproduction is so accurate hat you be surprised, even by the Zeiss standards.
The Zeiss Otus 85mm T1.4 lens presents qualities and elements that combine some of the factors most desirable in today’s cinematography culture, all in one tightly machined and perfectly presented package.

Look at the tests below. See for yourself!

Links to the three larger images:
Otus chart JPG (Click here)
Canon chart JPG (Click here)
Nikkor chart JPG (Click here)

Bokeh with the Otus and A7s

Cineflex note:

Lenses are designed by different manufactures, for different uses, and different markets. To label one lens better than another is silly. Each lens displays characteristics in line with the intention of the manufacturer. At CINOFLEX we test lenses to create an analysis of character and personality into which each lens fits the creative design of a project. The 85mm OTUS is a great lens, period. But the Nikkor AIS, or CANON FD L lens is not inferior, the Panavision Primo lens is not better, they are simply different. When reading reviews that constantly profess the absolute “FACT” that one lens is better than the next, this could not be further from the truth. Keep in mind, most tests and endorsements are created by individuals who are not professional camera technicians, nor IATSE 600 ICG members, making their qualifications very suspect. Respect the tools of cinematography and use tests to find the lens that you think is best!

Any questions or comments please contact us @ INFO@CINOFLEX.COM
CINOFLEX and T M CAMERA SOLUTIONS in all publications and social media.